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Hydrogen production emission verification using IoT + blockchain - Decentralised carbon exchange - Supplychain optimisation
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    $ 59.12
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О проекте Hydrolink

The All in One Platform

One Platform for the Entire Hydrogen Economy

HydroLink offers the world’s first blockchain-secured green hydrogen certification, real-time logistics management, as well as a carbon credit marketplace.

Our data is collected from production, logistics, and energy users. Smart contracts autonomously categorise end-product hydrogen under the globally recognised hydrogen standard (IPHE). The system creates a ‘Hydrogen Certificate’ showing the summary information and giving a final emission classification.

For the first time, consumers can now definitively prove and access other consumer’s claims of green hydrogen usage. With HydroLink, governments can reward environmentally conscious practices, and consumers can use certificates to gain carbon offsets and trade them in our carbon marketplace.

Hydrogen Certification Protocol

The World Needs an Industry Standard Verification System

As the world is increasingly looking towards solutions for renewable energy certification, there is a growing need for an industry verification system for hydrogen production.

A producer cannot prove the emission output of their production methods. Establishing the emissions released and the hydrogen’s origin is vital in preventing inaccurate or fraudulent reporting. HydroLink's certification of origin is unchangeable once published, ensuring compliance and producer accountability and will be invaluable in increasingly climate-conscious markets.

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