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О проекте HashFi

With the integration of decentralized 9inance, HashFi aims to rebuild the infrastructure of the mining industry, enhance the 9inancial attributes of hashrate assets, adapt to the diverse demands of participants, and promote ecological development.HashFi V1 will start from the standardization and tokenization of ETH hashrate, bring suf9icient and effective liquidity to holders, and build a 9lexible and comprehensive incentive and governance system with the support of ecological value.The capital scale, technical threshold and liquidity are the main problems that hinder ordinary investors from entering the 9ield of hashrate. Cloud hashrate is an active attempt to break the ice in the industry, but it still cannot solve the liquidity problem of hashrate assets. Then the continuous development of DEFI brought us brand new solutions. In HashFi, we have built a dual-token system with the help of modular DEFI components: the standard hashrate token ETHST anchors 1 MH/s
Ethereum hashrate, and its holders can trade tokens or pledge tokens at any time for real-time Income, so as to obtain suf9icient liquidity; governance token HFI is the core of the incentive and governance system, which enhances the stability of the hashrate market and extends the 9inancial boundary of the hashrate ecosystem. On this basis, HashFi strives to adapt to diversi9ied needs and promote rapid industry development.

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