

Digital Card

Based on our passion for the Metaverse, we start our great exploration on the virtual world by projecting the economic value of real world on the virtual game. And here comes the KaraStar’s virtual world. With the financial and gaming system, KaraStar empowers creators to build a PlayToEarn ecosystem which is one of the kind and long-lasting.

The creators’ World

Anyone can access to the data about the game and pets. The data is unique in blockchain, which enables every developer in KaraStar to create his own gaming tools and history of the virtual world.

The prominent difference between KaraStar and a traditional game is that blockchain economy is, in KaraStar, adopted to reward the creators who make contributions to the ecosystem. Such a gaming mode is named “PlayToEarn” In this mode, the creators can seek for their own profits, and the profits will encourage them to achieve their goals and their contributions will finally pay off - this is the biggest difference between KaraStar and a traditional paid game.