Imperium Isles

Imperium Isles

Adventure, Collectible

Set within the land of Avalon, in a world where the age-of-iron has clashed head-on with a technological renaissance; our inhabitants, referred to as Avalonians, have begun to awaken across the realm discovering before them a rich, magical world of endless opportunity.

Theirs to rebuild alone or as a collective.

Theirs to uncover the remnants of an age long buried and forgotten.

Theirs to protect from those amongst them that believe the strong deserve all and those that desire nothing more than to see these awoken Avalonians struck down and for Avalon itself to be lost to time once more.

Set thousands of years post creation, after a cataclysmic event, erased both from written memory and generational stories. The world is rich with untapped potential and countless mysteries to be uncovered and a few that arguably should remain hidden. From majestic floating landscapes that seem to call to adventurers but prove difficult to traverse, to the rolling landscape that our Avalonians will begin to settle; there are stories that are yet to be written and we look to you to be the author.

How you may ask... How do you tell your tale?

Through the shards...

Arcane artifacts that hold sway over the realm itself, imbued with a force that can be used to create, or destroy. It is with these precious shards that the world will become rich and full of life once more, and it is with these that the elemental constructs, the Colossi, will once more be revived and walk across of the surface of Avalon.