Ethereum Community Conference

Paris , France

О проекте Ethereum Community Conference

Asseth is proud to announce that the Ethereum Community Conference is up for another edition the 5th, 6th and 7th of March 2019. EthCC 2018 lasted 3 days over 4 amphitheaters and a workshop room, had 700 attendees, 130 speakers (over 126 live streamed talks!), 50 volunteers and 80 invited students. This year, for what some may call the cryptowinter, we are aiming at doubling those numbers while keeping the conference as financially friendly as possible.

Wait a minute, what is Asseth ?!
Asseth is a French regulated non-profit that organises weekly free ethereum meetups and workshops since late 2015. It has more than 400 active members. Asseth also contributes actively to Ethereum France, various educational projects and open-source projects, translates technical papers in French (white/yellow/mauve-paper, Sharding faq…), and all sorts of ethereum-community centered content.

Being regulated means that we have to publish our books every year and the details of our revenue sources and bills are accessible on request to our members. You can check our post on EthCC 2018’s finance here, and also our crypto-friendly guide to Paris from last year here, which we will keep updated thanks to our community — feel free to contribute!

Double the numbers, like… twice as big?
Yes twice as big, in attendees, speakers etc! Hopefully twice as good as we expect to learn from last year and improve. We had outstanding members of our community coming from all over the world but we arguably didn’t reach enough among Asian projects last year. To tackle that, Asseth is getting the help of Cassandra Shi from the Ethereum Community Found. The amazing María Paula Fernández, Helena Flack and Fauve Altman are also supporting us.

We have opened a call for speakers a few days ago (You can apply too! Click here) and the least we can say is that the list is already growing fast: E.G. Galano, Christoph Jentzsch, Martin Lundfall, Vlad Zamfir, Matan Field, Nick Gheorghita, Jenna Zenk, Justin Drake, Vanessa Grellet, Jorge Izquierdo, Tyler Mulvihill, Kevin Owocki, Corbin Page, Nick Dodson, Eric Tang, Simona Pop, Dean Eigenmann, Lane Rettig, Ashley Tyson, Jacob Czepluch, Will Harborne, Rick Dudley, Hudson Jameson, Kavita Gupta…

Compared to last year, we will have more amphitheaters to host more talks but also more workshops. Some talks are likely to be very technical but we want to make sure we are able to properly on-board newcomers regardless of their background and bring attractive content to everyone. Consequently EthCC 2019 will feature the usual topics like Tokens (did anybody say Securities?) or Scalability but also a “from Zero to Hero” track dedicated to people that want to learn how Ethereum works. One track will let attendees deep dive into the development of Decentralized Applications while another one will also cover challenges concerning regulations and cryptoeconomics.

In addition, EthCC will be preceded by an Ethereum Magicians Gathering on Monday the 4th. Ongoing organisation for the Magicians’ Council of Paris is on going here with coordination from the great Tomislav Mamić.

This is going to be a week full of Ethereum events from the 4th to the 10th! Other events and other communities are kindly invited to let us know if they are planning blockchain gatherings. We have set up a collaborative website here: Notably the second annual Computational Law & Blockchain Festival will take place around those dates and of course stay tuned for some news from ETHGlobal.


Christoph Jentzsch
Founder & CEO at Slock
Martin Lundfall
Dapphub member
Vlad Zamfir
Developer of the Casper protocol upgrade
E.G. Galano
Co-founder Infura
Itamar Lesuisse
Co-founder Argent
Посмотреть ещё (77)
Christiane Ernst
Product Manager GNOSIS
Kavita Gupta
Founding Managing Partner
Robert Habermeier
Co-Founder Polkadot Network
Nick Gheorghita
Snake Charmer Ethereum


$14 790 679

Ethereum and Mist Developer
Jenna Zenk
Front-End Developer
Pavlo Makarov
Founder DApp DEV
Anna Makota
Communications DApp DEV
Daniel Kronovet
Software Engineer COLONY
Justin Drake
Ethereum 2.0 researcher
Vanessa Grellet
Executive Director
Jorge Izquierdo
Tech Lead
Tyler Mulvihill
Kevin Owocki
Nick Dodson
Crypto developer, musician.
Simona Pop
Co-Founder & CMO Bounties Network
Dean Eigenmann
Auditor, ZK-Labs
Crypto NYC Founder & Ethereum Core Developer
Ashley Tyson
Will Harborne
Director of Operations Ethfinex
Rick Dudley
Advisor revealit
Hudson Jameson
Co-Founder Oaken Innovations
Primavera De Filippi
QJ Wang
Executive Director Ethereum Community Fund
Corbin Page
Co-Founder Meridio
Cassius Kiani
Founder Atlas Neue
Gregor Žavcer
Team member at Datafund / Fair data society
Louis Millon
CTO & Co-founder Universal Reward Protocol
Lucas Vogelsang
Founding Engineer Centrifuge
Augusto Hack
Team member Raiden Network
Vincent Eli
Team member Metamask
Primavera De Filippi
Researcher CNRS
Adrian Brink
Co-Founder Cryptium Labs
Awa Sun Yin
Founder Cryptium Labs
James Pitt
Fellowship Ethereum Magicians
Sunny Aggarwal
Researcher Cosmos
Stefan George
Co-Founder and CTO GNOSIS
Thibauld Favre
Exploring Continuous Organizations
Griff Green
Product Owner Aragon DAC
Yalda Mousavinia
Co-founder Space Cooperative
Sergey Nazarov
Team member Chainlink
Tech Lead Witnet
Andrés Junge
Senior Architect uPort
Patrick McCorry
When moon advisor King's College London
Griffin Anderson Balanc3
Founder Balanc3
Jack Spallone Ujo Music
Team member Ujo Music
MacLane Wilkison
Cofounder & CEO NuCypher
Matías Nisenson
Team member Experimental
Loredana Cirstea
Software Engineer Brainbot labs Est.
Benjamin Smith
Mathematician & Software Engineer GNOSIS
Founder Nexus Mutual
Raphael Mazet
CEO Alice
Amaury Martiny
Team member Parity Technologies
Jean Millerat
Chef du service Innovation, Urbanisation et Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information chez Département des Hauts-de-Seine
Angel Versetti
Global CEO Ambrosus
Max Stein
Blockchain Business Architect Consensys
Product Manager GNOSIS
Lorenz Breidenbach
Yak Shaver and Security Researcher LibSubmarine
Charles St.Louis
Lead of Developer Community Polymath Network
Chris Mussenbrock
CEO & Founder Etherisc
Zachary Williamson
Co-Founder & CTO AZTEC Protocol
Team member Parity Technologies
Anish Mohammed
Blockchain Researcher
Team member ENS
Jordi Baylina
Blockchain Developer and Tech Lead iden3
Thibaut Sardan
Team member Parity Technologies
William George
Chercheur en cryptoéconomie Kleros
Guillaume Ballet Ethereum Foundation
Ethereum core developer Ethereum Project
Jacques Dafflon
Software engineer iden3
Marc Zeller
Analyst Coinhouse
Engineering Lead uPort
Aditya Asgaonkar
Blockchain Researcher Ethereum Project
Tomislav Mamić
Founder Denther
Alice Henshaw
Solidity Software Engineer Consensys
Chris Remus
Founder Chainflow
Auryn Macmillan
Communty Builder COLONY
5 мар. 2019 г., 09:00 , CET (UTC +1)
7 мар. 2019 г., 20:00 , CET (UTC +1)
EURO 240
место встречи:
Paris, France
Место нахождения: