О проекте DeFi Live

A brand new 2 day experience hosted virtually and in person in London, showcasing the hottest DeFi Projects and biggest tech breakthroughs in the works...


2 days

40 + speakers

1000+ in-person attendees

5000+ global audience


Layah Heilpern
Author & Content Creator, Layah Heilpern Media Limited
Anthony Pompliano
Investor, Pomp Investments
Grey Jabesi
Founder & CEO of Crypto University
Matt Hawkins
CEO & Founder of Cudos
Jay Kurahashi-Sofue
VP of Marketing at Ava Labs
Asim Ahmad
Partner of Eterna Capital
Посмотреть ещё (12)
Rohan Malhotra
Business Development +Marketing Assosciate of Metis DAO
Jeremy Gardner
Co-Founder of Augur
Peter Wood
Co Founder of Coinburp
Lisa Loud
Tim Copeland
News Editor at The Block
Mark Sugden
Ecosystem Success for NEAR Foundation
Nick Almond
Protocol leader finance.vote, blockchain and governance researcher
Jillian Godsil
Co founder and Editor of Blockleaders
Harry Horsfall
Co Founder & CEO of Zebu Digital
Jolyon Horsfall
Co Founder & CEO of TotemFi
Paul Gordon
CEO of Coinscrum
Nicolas Cary
Co-Founder and President of Blockchain.com


10 нояб. 2021 г., 09:30
11 нояб. 2021 г., 15:00