EDM DanceCoin

EDM DanceCoin

Created using Figma
EDM DanceCoin (EDMC) is a community-driven fan token designed to support Dance festivals & live music events
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О проекте EDM DanceCoin



The European Pre-Sale of the EDM DanceCoin is provided by Knaken Cryptohandel B.V. (Dutch Bank Licenced) Would you like to benefit from the limited supply of EDM DanceCoins in our 2nd Pre-Sale round? 

Click on the Buy button below and you will be redirected to the safe and user-friendly website of our Crypto Partner Knaken.


For more than three decades, Electronic Dance Music (“EDM”) has brought joy, love and happiness to millions and millions of people. Music unites and has the power to connect others across borders worldwide. Music is healthy for people. It creates a feeling of freedom, an interpersonal connection and gives positive energy

Unfortunately, hardly any industry is more impacted by the pandemic than the Entertainment industry. In these challenging times the EDM legacy must and will be preserved.

The Global Music Fund Foundation (“GMFF”) has been established to be a funding partner for the EDM industry in a different way, which is distinctive in respect of the current system and any other already existing crowdfunding initiatives.

GMFF will help ensure events & festivals can return to their recent glory.

Help us protect the dance music heritage. We welcome everyone. Let’s celebrate our freedom together!


A Music Ecosystem includes not only the commercial music industry, live music venues and festivals, it also includes music education, music’s role in health and wellbeing and the economic supply chain that makes music happen, front and backstage.

A healthy live music economy supports jobs across a variety of sectors, from hospitality to tech, logistics to food and beverage. Musicians contribute to making places better, more vibrant and livable. Music tells stories others can’t. Creating experiences and opportunities to market, to tourists and visitors.

It’s our ambition to:

    • Build a Global Community for EDM & Crypto lovers;
    • Be the (main) sponsor for the worldwide top events & festivals;
    • Be a funding partner for the EDM industry;


Together we support the Music Ecosystem for generation’s to come.

EDM DanceCoin Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Founder & Ambassador
Head of Communications
Head of Development
Founder & Ambassador
Teamlead Communications

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