Eagle AI

Eagle AI

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AI-powered Crypto Research & Analytics
We provide unparalleled insights and price predictions using machine learning and trade surveillance quality price inputs.
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О проекте Eagle AI

Welcome to Eagle AI

Advanced machine learning and high-quality trade surveillance data, to deliver unmatched insights and precise price predictions.

Integrating state-of-the-art AI analytics and trade surveillance data, offering users reliable and peerless analytics.

Risk Management Solutions

At Eagle AI, we offer risk management solutions designed specifically for cryptocurrency traders. Our approach involves harnessing historical data and predictive analytics to pinpoint and neutralize risks proactively. By analyzing past market behaviors, we anticipate and mitigate potential threats, supported by sophisticated risk models and scenario analysis techniques. Our solutions are adaptable and agile, allowing us to adjust strategies in response to changing market conditions. Ultimately, we aim to provide our clients with long-term financial stability and growth by empowering them to make informed decisions and safeguard their investments.


Portfolio Optimization Strategies

Our portfolio optimization strategies are meticulously crafted to enable intelligent investment management in cryptocurrencies. Leveraging CRDL's analytics tools, we aim to diversify portfolios and maximize value for our clients. Understanding market trends is fundamental to our approach, as we uncover patterns across various cryptocurrency and fiat markets. Our strategies are designed to adapt to market conditions through quantitative analysis and machine learning, with the goal of optimizing returns while mitigating risks. What sets us apart is our ability to include diverse asset classes such as cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, commodities, and traditional financial instruments. Ultimately, our strategies aim to empower traders with confidence, guiding them through the cryptocurrency market while leveraging advanced analytics and fiat currency support to achieve their financial goals and sustain profitability.


Continuous Innovation and Improvement

We lead the way in innovating cryptocurrency trading through our relentless pursuit of advancements in data science and technology. We continuously enhance our offerings by leveraging the latest developments in data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Innovation is deeply ingrained in our culture, as we strive to provide traders with cutting-edge tools and technologies. Our strong focus on research and development fuels the evolution of our products and services. We value feedback from traders and industry experts, which shapes our innovation agenda and guides the development of solutions tailored to our clients' needs. Ultimately, Eagle AI serves as a catalyst for transformation in cryptocurrency trading, empowering traders to navigate market complexities with confidence and success.

Telegram Bot

Our revolutionary Telegram bot is designed to provide traders with seamless access to critical market insights. Our bot prioritizes simplicity and accessibility, featuring an intuitive interface that makes cryptocurrency trading easier for both professionals and novices alike. It offers a wealth of market data and analysis, including real-time price updates and historical data analysis. Traders can personalize their experience by setting preferences such as monitoring specific cryptocurrencies or setting alerts. The bot seamlessly integrates with trading execution, enabling traders to execute trades directly and manage their portfolios efficiently. Overall, Eagle AI's Telegram bot revolutionizes how traders access market data, combining user-friendly design with powerful analytics for informed decision-making in cryptocurrency trading.

Eagle AI Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Token Implementation: Launch the Eagle token and conduct a successful token sale event.

    Community Building: Establish an engaged community through social platforms and forums.

    V1 Beta Bot Deployment: Deploy the initial version of the Eagle AI trading bot with basic functionalities.

    Free Trial Period: Offer a free trial period for all token holders to experience the bot's capabilities.

    Marketing Campaigns: Launch targeted marketing campaigns to create awareness and attract users.

    Listing on Prominent Platforms: Achieve listings on prominent cryptocurrency data platforms such as CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko.
  • Phase 2

  • Advanced AI Functionality: Introduce advanced AI functionalities, such as sentiment analysis and technical indicators.

    Partnership Expansion: Forge strategic partnerships with leading AI and venture capital firms to access advanced development tools and expertise.

    Telegram Bot Integration: Enhance the Telegram bot's functionality to provide real-time market data, trading signals, and personalized insights.

    Machine Learning Integration: Continuously refine machine learning algorithms for improved prediction accuracy and risk management.

    Technical Analysis Tools: Develop comprehensive technical analysis tools, including real-time indicators and candlestick pattern recognition.

    Fiat Currency Support: Expand support for fiat currencies to provide users with a comprehensive view of cryptocurrency prices in their local currency.
  • Phase 3

  • Full V2 AI Prediction Bot Development: Collaborate with Tier 1 AI development teams to enhance prediction accuracy and performance.

    Decentralised Application (dApp) Transformation: Evolve the dApp into a comprehensive cryptocurrency trading platform with AI-driven prediction, technical analysis, and sentiment analysis features.

    Revenue-Sharing Program Expansion: Expand the revenue-sharing program to reward active users and contributors with a portion of platform revenue.

    Global Adoption Strategies: Implement strategies to drive global adoption and reach a broader international user base.

    Gamification Elements: Introduce gamification elements to incentivize user engagement and participation on the platform.

    Advertising and Monetization: Implement a fee-based advertising model to generate revenue and diversify revenue streams for sustainable growth
  • Phase 4

  • CEX Listings: Pursue listings on centralized exchanges to increase accessibility and liquidity for the Eagle token.

    Full Integration of Advanced Features: Fully integrate advanced AI functionalities and technical analysis tools into the Eagle AI platform.

    Expanded Partnerships: Continue expanding strategic partnerships to enhance brand visibility and credibility.

    User Engagement Strategies: Implement user engagement strategies, such as live data logging and real-time alerts, to keep users informed and engaged.

    Dashboard Enhancements: Improve the user dashboard to provide users with actionable insights and analytics for informed trading decisions.
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  • Phase 5

  • Alpha v3 Bot Development: Launch the Alpha v3 bot with advanced AI-driven prediction capabilities and automated trading features.

    Sentiment Analysis Integration: Integrate sentiment analysis tools to provide users with real-time insights from social media and news sources.

    Auto Trading Features: Enable users to automate trading strategies based on AI-driven signals and sentiment analysis.

    Live Data Logging: Implement real-time data logging to provide users with up-to-the-minute insights and analytics for informed decision-making. Quant Fund Adoption: Explore partnerships with quantitative funds to leverage advanced trading strategies and techniques.

    Partner with Global Distributors: Collaborate with global distributors of structured products that traverse digital and tokenized assets.

Eagle AI Команда

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Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Jack Rockell
CEO & Founder
Alan Ljungström-Caun...

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