Последнее обновление
24 февр. 2018 г.
DeHedge will not be conducting a Pre-Sale of its project tokens in order to improve the legal basis of the project and protect investors around the world from any risks associated with violation of relevant laws.
To enable citizens of more countries to invest in the project and to comply with the regulatory requirements of the United States and the European Union in this regard, DeHedge announces the suspension of the Pre-Sale of its project tokens.
The CEO of DeHedge, Mikhail Chernov, stated that the cancellation of the Pre-Sale was expected due to the great interest in the organization from international investors, especially from the United States of America and Europe. In order for DeHedge to become a new type of ICO brand that fully complies with the legislation of all countries, where the circulation of cryptocurrencies is not prohibited, the legal team of the project has recommended the creation of a full Legal Opinion and the passage of the registration process of the firm to the United States with the receipt of Regulation "D", the opening of a brokerage account in the North American financial system and the conduct of the KYC procedure under the supervision of the Securities and Exchange Commission (US).
Mikhail Chernov assured the public that the company will continue to accept financing on special terms for the speedy release of the DeHedge investment product in the international legal field.
"Once again we want to double-check everything and ascertain ourselves in the opinion that everything is legal and there are no gaps in the legality of doing business in all legal systems. We want to protect our investors as much as possible, wherever they are. Investment security and zero appetite for risk are the pillars on which DeHedge is built. We are adamant in our thoroughness in all procedures and assessments, especially after we have published the Manifesto of a Respectable Startup, " - said Mikhail Chernov.
On November 29, 2017, DeHedge issued the Manifesto of a Respectable Startup, in which it highlighted the existence of a large number of fraudulent and unauthorized operations in the blockchain market. DeHedge has taken the initiative to clear the ICO market of unscrupulous entrepreneurs, offering blockchain opinion leaders to join the Manifesto.
On November 30, 2017, a press release was issued with an appeal to the global community and the media to pay serious attention to the Manifesto.
DeHedge aims to create hedging tools for the cryptocurrency and ICO market.
Hedgers are provided with the opportunity to insure their investments against fluctuations in cryptocurrency and token prices. Reducing the risks also lowers the potential profits. In case of an insured event, an investor shall be reimbursed their investment less the insurance premium. The investor’s maximum loss will therefore be equal to the cost of the latter.
DeHedge supports two insurance strategies:
Hedging Initial Token Offerings
An investor getting an insurance coverage for the purchase price of project tokens pays the insurance premium to receive the right to sell the tokens at the same price later on. This works in the same way as a PUT option in a financial market, giving the option holder the right to sell an asset at a predetermined price. But, in case of DeHedge, the rights and obligations of the parties are different. Only DeHedge has the obligation to buy back a project token in case of an insured event. The token owner, on the other hand, has the right, but not an obligation, to exchange the token for the insurance premium.
Insurance coverage for primary token offerings is unlike any instrument on the financial market.
Hedging Publicly Traded Project Tokens
Hedging involves buying or selling a limited options contract on a crypto exchange.
An options contract (also known as option) is a derivative financial instrument that gives the buyer the right, and the seller the obligation, to buy/sell a certain asset at a predefined price later on. For this right, the buyer pays the so-called option premium. A DeHedge contract defines the insurance period and the range of prices for insured tokens. Similarly to ICO insurance, DeHedge has the obligation to buy back the token in case of an insured event.
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Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды
Это предложение основано на информации, предоставляемой исключительно оферентом и другой общедоступной информацией. Событие продажи или обмена токеном полностью не связано с владельцем ICO, а владелец ICO не участвует в нем (включая любую техническую поддержку или продвижение). Продажи Token, перечисленные у лиц, с которыми не связан ICOholder, показаны только для того, чтобы помочь клиентам отслеживать активность, происходящую в общем секторе токенов. Эта информация не предназначена для консультаций, на которые вы должны положиться. Вы должны получить профессиональную или специальную консультацию или выполнить свою собственную должную осмотрительность, прежде чем принимать или воздерживаться от каких-либо действий на основе контента на нашем сайте. Любые условия, вносимые участниками в отношении приобретения Токенов, заключаются между ними, а эмитент Token и ICOholder не является продавцом таких токенов. ICOholder не несет никакой юридической ответственности за любые представления третьих сторон в отношении любой продажи Token, и любая претензия в связи с нарушением контракта также должна быть сделана непосредственно против зарегистрированного лица Token, перечисленного здесь.
Если у вас есть какие-либо опасения по поводу характера, приличия или законности продажи этого токена или лиц, участвующих в нем, обратитесь в info@icoholder.com с подробной информацией о ваших проблемах.