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Последнее обновление

14 мар. 2018 г.

С DataBroker DAO мы стремимся развязать творчество с длинным хвостом и облегчить преобразование невероятных идей в сервисы добавления стоимости. Предоставляя распределенный базовый уровень для покупки и продажи данных датчика IoT, мы ожидаем, что невообразимое использование данных, которые существуют в сердцах и умах предпринимателей, исследователей и организаций по всему миру, появится, чтобы создать невероятно ценные услуги, которые обогащают качество жизни в наших городах и в наших обществах в целом.
  • рынок
    Том 24Н
    24ч (цена)
    24 ч (объем)
  • Bittrex Global
    DTX/USDT год назад
    $ 0.0090
    $ 1.79
  • Bittrex Global
    DTX/ETH год назад
    $ 0.0092
    $ 0.4594
  • ProBit Global
    DTX/USDT 2 год назад
    $ 0.0231
    $ 62.37
  • ProBit Global
    DTX/KRW 3 год назад
    $ 0.0304
    $ 265.89
  • Bitforex
    DTX/USDT 4 год назад
  • Bitforex
    DTX/ETH 4 год назад
  • ProBit Global
    DTX/ETH 5 год назад
    $ 0.0227
    $ 613.42
  • Coinfalcon
    DTX/BTC 5 год назад
    $ 0.0372
    $ 2.667 K
  • Mercatox
  • Mercatox
Main sale
26 апр. 2018 г.
26 мая 2018 г.
100% завершено
$4 261 165
23% cap завершено
Cap 18 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 TM-DATA
    0.175 USD
19 мар. 2018 г.
25 мар. 2018 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
  • 1000 TM-DATA
    0.1 ETH
Детали токена
Бегущая строка
Принимаемые валюты
Сведения о компании
Зарегистрированная Страна
дополнительные детали
MVP / Prototype
да ,
Платформа, криптовалюта

О проекте DataBrokerDAO

A wide range of parties will benefit greatly

  • Sensor owners
    Are able to monetize their data and turn a sunk cost into a potential money maker and at least the opportunity to recoup some of their investments in IoT sensors.
  • Network operators
    Gain scale and speed in the adoption of their network as connected telcos can present a win-back to their enterprise accounts, a clear USP.
  • Sensor manufacturers
    Can stop the "race to the bottom” for production and pull resources and capital out of manufacturing and allocate these to profitable SaaS offerings.
  • Smart city initiatives
    Can limit the upfront cost of populating the town with sufficient sensors and turn the expense into an investment with a 2-3 year payback period and a continuous income stream after that.
  • Agricultural sector
    In the Agricultural sector in Belgium today, 10% of farmers are "techie". They deploy sensors include for wind, temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, PH level in the soil. The platform will provide the possibility to recoup some of this cost.
  • Academics
    Can get access to thousands of sensors and can buy data directly and more cheap on the marketplace, cutting out established data providers.


Start: March 19th, 2018 4PM CET Rate: 1 ETH = 4000 DTX + 2000 bonus Minimum: 10 ETH Bonus: 50% bonus Inquiries:


Start: March 26th, 2018 4PM CET Rate: 1ETH = 4000 DTX End: April 23rd, 2018 4PM CET Bonus: Day 1: 10% bonus

Before and during the token sale, a referral system is in effect. Contributions via a referral link will result in a bonus of 5% of the tokens sold via a referral link.



Владельцы датчиков могут монетизировать свои данные и превращать потопленные затраты в потенциального денежного производителя и, по крайней мере, возможность окупить некоторые из их инвестиций в датчики IoT.
Операторы сети получают масштаб и скорость при принятии своих сети, поскольку связанные телекоммуникационные компании могут учетные записи предприятий, ясный USP.
Производители датчиков могут остановить «гонку на дно» для производства и выталкивания ресурсов и капитала из производства и распределите их на выгодные предложения SaaS.
Умные городские инициативы могут ограничить первоначальные затраты на города с достаточными датчиками и превратить расходы в инвестиции с периодом окупаемости 2-3 года и постоянным доходом поток после этого.
Академики могут получить доступ к тысячам датчиков и могут покупать данные прямо и дешевле на рынке, вырезая установленные поставщиков данных.

Техническая информация

Технические данные: & nbsp; DataBroker DAO является первым рынком для данных датчика IoT который соединит владельцев датчиков с покупателями данных напрямую, используя существующую инфраструктуру от телекоммуникаций провайдеры, работающие в сетях подключения датчиков на основе GSM, LoRa и SigFox, или через проприетарный шлюз датчика владелец Исходный код: & nbsp; Код не доступен. Доказательство разработчика: & nbsp; Публичная команда

DataBrokerDAO Roadmap

  • 2016 Q4

  • Launch Databroker DAO
  • 2017 Q1

  • Development bèta marketplace
  • 2017 Q2

  • Recruitment of the first team members
  • 2017 Q3

  • Early token sale
  • Прочитайте больше
  • 2017 Q4

  • Development and preparation for main token sale
  • 2018 Q1

  • Main token sale
  • 2018 Q2

  • Setup and onboarding of an extended team and gateway operator integrations
  • 2018 Q3

  • Improving the (white labeled) frontend interface
  • 2018 Q4

  • Private data sales and white labeled platform
  • 2019 Q1

  • Initial data enhancement integrations
  • 2019 Q2 - Q4

  • The team will look for, and work with partners in the Alliance to provide valuable services based on the raw data by providing libraries and integrations for commonly used tools.

Участие в мероприятиях

  • RISE 2018
  • Hong Kong Convention And Exhibition Cent...

DataBrokerDAO Команда

Проверено 17%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Frank Van Geertruyde...
MarCom Director
Silke Van Den Broeck
Blockchain Developer


$4 261 165

Magomet Tsanajev
Content Creator
Astrid Janssens
Management Assistant
Rutger Bevers
Full Stack Engineer
Charles De Bergeyck


$4 261 165

Peter-Jan Brone
Blockchain Developer
Matthew Van Niekerk
Co-Founder & CEO


$4 261 165

Roderik Van Der Veer
Co-Founder & CTO
Els Meyvaert
Project Manager
Cassandre Vandeputte
Tom De Block
Blockchain architect


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Veronica Murguia
Investment Advisor
Jonathan Johnson

22 ICOs

$73 692 257

Richard Kastelein
Patrick Byrne
Julien Marlair

Бывшие сотрудники

Edwin Kupura Full
Stack Developer
Evans Gacheru
Frontend developer

DataBrokerDAO Интервью

Magomet Tsanajev
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm a member of the marketing team. My job consists mainly of copywriting, visual design, social media & community management, photo-/videography, motion graphics,.. In my honest opinion, I think DataBroker DAO has a lot of potential which we see from the feedback of already 20+ partnerships.
Roderik van der Veer
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?

DataBrokerDAO Последние Новости

$ 0.0015
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 330.802 K
Volume 24h:
$ 2.304 K
Circ. Supply:
225 M DTX
ICO profit
X 8.4658819448074E-6
ICO Price~$173.66

DataBrokerDAO Обзоры

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This is a decentralized marketplace for Internet of Things (IOT) sensor data using block chain technology which enables sensor owners to turn generated data into revenue streams.


  • The platform connects sensor owners with purchasers of data directly  hence utilizing the existing infrastructure from telecommunication providers operating sensor connectivity network based on SGM LoRa or via a property gateway of the sensor owner
  • Increased creativity of the sensor data use. The provision of the distributed layer for buying and selling of IoT senor data enables the users to create more advancements on the use of these data hence enriching the quality of life in the cities and societies
  • The merging  of internet of things and block chain enables sensor owning organizations  to store data immutably ensuring its integrity  and provide a clear path of data monetization
  • The platform enables the sensor owners to directly monetize their data to generate passive income that provides a sunk cost into their potential money maker  giving them an opportunity to regain their investments in IoT sensor s
  • The platform enables the storage of large data with provision of processing it. The dAPI connectors enables the user to integrate with leading IoT and big data storage vendors leaving the buyer the choice on where their data needs to be sent
  • The platform team involved has relevant skills and expertise necessary go the execution of the project as the co-founder and the CEO  Mathew Van Niekerk successfully managed financial institutions


  • The adoption of the platform reduces the day to day sales of companies
  • The whitepaper is complicated with  no indications of the future expectation of the DTX token
  • The DTX token  use doesn’t  promote improvements of small businesses


  • The platform white paper should b more elaborate showing  more importance of using the DTX token
  • The token holders should be given more incentives in the platform including ownership rights


Despite this project offering Internet of Things (IoT) sensor data it’s not beneficial to all the stakeholders involved limiting its use. I would therefore not invest in this project

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ICO Pantera

1. A new field called IOT sensor market. Since there are few competitors, they can take a relatively preemptive effect.
2. It is supported by a large company called Overstock. With the support of big e-commerce companies, they can quickly enter the market and their roadmap is fast.
3. Hard cap is relatively small, so you can expect a price increase.
A complementary point
1. Marketing is not very strong.
2. The bonus rate will vary depending on the stage of sale, so there is a possibility of price dump to occur in the early stages.
3. It is a long-term investment because the price rise momentum can occur only if the market is actually formed.

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News, reviews

DataBroker DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that aims to create a distributed marketplace for IoT sensor data. Today, smart devices are all around us – and yet most of the data collected by these smart devices is used for a singular purpose. DataBroker DAO envisions a future where users can sell smart device data on an open marketplace. Farmers can purchase environmental data from sensors across their local area, for example, while universities can access a network of highly precise data points worldwide.

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News, reviews

The mains, who will be benefitting from this project include sensor owners, network operators, smart city initiative projects, academics, agricultural sector and sensor manufacturers.

They all will be allowed monetizing their data and convert any drowning money into revenue stream. Network owners are somehow will be allowed to pick up speed and scale in their business. Apart from these, smart city initiatives and agricultural sector will be able to restrict their upfront cost of a populous city with adequate sensors and also turn the spending into a profit-worthy investment. Speaking of agricultural sector, only 10% of farmers are tech-savvy. What they do is deploy sensors for temperature, humidity, wind and barometric pressure measurement. Lastly, and not the least of course, institutions will be able to get millions of sensors and purchase data straight from the owners. The cost is also cheaper on this blockchain-enabled marketplace.

Hence, if you are considering investing in an ICO, you can choose DataBroker DAO project. Not just the wise token allocation, but their purpose deserves to be supported. A smart city will contribute to building a smart earth.

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