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Последнее обновление

6 июн. 2018 г.

Дарико - это криптовалюта с поддержкой активов, разработанная специально для обеспечения более безопасного и доступного шлюза для инвестиций в криптовалюты, чем в настоящее время. «Дарико» означает «децентрализованная, ориентированная на активы, ориентированная на прибыль, инвестиционная монета». Дарико превосходит простую функциональность Биткойна и роль золота на традиционных рынках капитала. Дарико воплощает уникальную позицию с ее комбинацией активов в качестве базы.
  • рынок
    Том 24Н
    24ч (цена)
    24 ч (объем)
  • Bilaxy
    DEC/ETH 3 год назад
    $ 0.3072
    $ 409.60
  • Idex
    DEC/ETH 3 год назад
    $ 0.2977
    $ 238.64
  • TokenJar
    DEC/WETH 5 год назад
  • CREX24
  • YoBit
  • YoBit
  • YoBit
  • YoBit
  • YoBit
  • YoBit
30 янв. 2018 г.
30 июл. 2018 г.
100% завершено
$2 000 000
2% hard cap завершено
Hard cap 72 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 DEC
    0.5 USD
Детали токена
Бегущая строка
Принимаемые валюты
Сведения о компании
Зарегистрированная Страна
дополнительные детали
MVP / Prototype
Платформа, криптовалюта

О проекте Darico

Дарико - это криптовалюта с поддержкой активов, разработанная специально для обеспечения более безопасного и доступного шлюза для инвестиций в криптовалюту, чем в настоящее время.
Хотя криптотермии все еще находятся в зачаточном состоянии, не может быть никаких сомнений в том, что
Биткойн, оригинальный и самый известный, достиг невероятных высот с точки зрения его стоимости, а рыночная капитализация всего сектора продолжает расти, пробив отметку в 200 миллиардов долларов США, сектор, в том числе биткойн, по-прежнему характеризуется высоким уровнем волатильности, непрозрачными методами доступа, неравномерными нормативными установками и отсутствием основного понимания.
Безопасность, прослеживаемость и неправительственный характер криптотермингов означают, что они имеют огромный чтобы предлагать как основные магазины стоимости, так и методы транзакций. Тем не менее, до тех пор, пока проблемы доступности и стабильности не будут успешно решены, криптотермины будут труднодоступны для широкой аудитории.
Darico объединяет невероятный потенциал, представленный миром; широко известный, исторически проверенный, безопасный ресурс убежища - золото.
Таким образом, Darico предлагает легкий путь к инвестициям в криптовалюту, который позволяет владельцам воспользоваться потенциальным ростом стоимости биткойна и эфира, при этом комфортно зная, что их криптовые активы поддерживаются безопасностью золота.
Дарико - пионер. Это ответ, который искали большинство инвесторов. Криптовалюта, которая может доставлять награды, которые приходят из болота в неизведанные воды, а также безопасность знания о том, что есть спасательный круг, чтобы помочь им выдержать штормы, которые дуют, пока криптовые волны не созреют и не стабилизируются.


The Darico Coin позволяет пользователям пользоваться эксклюзивным доступом ко всей экосистеме Darico.

The Darico Coin предоставляет пользователям инструмент, необходимый им для доступа к доверенным сайтам информации

Пул ликвидности Darico помогает поддерживать ценность DRC и обеспечивает безопасность для инвесторов Darico & nbsp;

<Р> & NBSP; </р>

Техническая информация


Стандартный токен Ethereum ERC20.

Darico Roadmap

  • Pre-ICO

  • Q2 - 4 2017

  • Darico Ecosystem definition and development

  • Q1 2018
  • Q4 2017

  • Pre-ICO launch raised $2 million
  • Прочитайте больше
  • Q2-Q3 2017


  • Q2 2018
  • Q1 2018

  • Darico wallet launch
  • Q2 2018

  • Darico Terminal launch
  • Q3 / Q4 2018

  • Darico Debit Card launch
  • Q4 2018 / Q1 2019

  • Darico Exchange launch
  • Q2 / Q3 2019

  • Darico Index Fund Launch

Darico Команда

Проверено 100%

Mojtaba Asadian
Founder & CEO
Liwaa Chehayeb


$10 000 000

Luke Szkudlarek


$2 000 000

Mario Colombo
Kelly Stafford
Community & Marketing Manager


$12 000 000

Kirsten Morel
Content Manager


$2 000 000

Gerti Sterling
Investment Analyst
Chris Bernat
Frontend Developer
Victor Yunenko
Alexei Strasser
Product Manager
Elliott White
UX Designer


$2 000 000

Artiom Rapinchuk
Smart contract developer


Проверено 29%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Obaid Saeed Bin Mana...
Investment and Commercial Advisor
Professor Nabil Bayd...
Financial Advisor
Nat Kwabena Anokye-A...
Business Development Advisor (Africa)

85 ICOs

$202 626 584

Simon Cocking
Marketing & Strategy Adviser

45 ICOs

$87 245 822

Jason Hung
Cryptocurrency & Strategy Adviser


$7 040 000

Marc X. Ellul
Legal Adviser

53 ICOs

$289 090 576

David Drake
Investment & Commercial Advisor

Бывшие сотрудники

Solange Basseterre
Project Manager


$3 922 763

Ihor Pidruchny
Blockchain Architect


$23 403 878

Andrew Zubko
Blockchain Engineer
Roman Tsivka
Smart Contract Developer
Marco Schlauri
Marketing Manager


$10 000 000

Lidia Bolla

Darico Интервью

Luke Szkudlarek
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Go to market and product strategy
Mario Colombo
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am helping with the technical aspects of the Darico web and app portals and products and am committed to providing good UX and user value to the Darico community and all users of the Darico portals and apps.
Kelly Stafford
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I help with the community management of Darico's social channels, as well as implementing the marketing strategy
Gerti Sterling
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I help to identify and communicate with potential investors. Having spent over a year working in digital marketing within the crypto market, I knows what makes crypto investors tick.
Chris Bernat
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
A full-stack javascript developer in charge of development of all Darico's products - Website, Desktop Wallet, Mobile Wallet and Terminal.
Victor Yunenko
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm a full stack python developer, who is working on the backend logic.
Alexei Strasser
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Product Manager
Elliott White
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My main role is to ensure Darico’s Ecosystem products deliver a delightful experience for everyone and continue to evolve to meet the users needs.
Artiom Rapinchuk
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm a smart contracts developer for Ethereum. I handle Darico's token and crowd-sale contracts development as well as provide support on blockchain related topics.
Simon Cocking
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Team advisor.

Great idea, good team, enjoying helping them. By leveraging my digital footprint of 119,000 followers on Twitter (31% in US) and 26,000 on LinkedIn, as well as being the top ranked member of the ‘People of Blockchain’ #1/18,000 & applying insights 97 other successful ICOs.
Jason Hung
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Fantastic project!

Darico Последние Новости

$ 0.3066
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 19.319 M
Volume 24h:
$ 408.87
Circ. Supply:
63.006 M DEC
ICO profit
X 0.6132
ICO Price~$0.5000

Darico Обзоры

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

DARICO is a platform that empowers the users by giving them a professional and user friendly investment tool that enables them to monitor, trade, invest and spend their crypto currency with confidence.


  • The platform enables the users to have instant access to crypto currency funds at any point through the Derico debit card with the ability to withdraw  the crypto currency in exchange with fiat currency hence  improving the crypto experience
  • It securely store, send and receive crypto tokens  and integrate the existing crypto wallets to keep track  of the users investments 
  • The platform gives provision for exchange which is achieved via the Darico Terminal  with Darico exchange offering all the crypto enthusiast the ability to trade, deposit  and withdraw a variety of top ranked crypto currencies
  • The platform enables the users to timely access trusted information  whenever and wherever they need it hence eliminating  exploitation
  • The provision of user friendly  and  professional investment tool enables the users to make more informed decisions on crypto currencies
  • The platform has full support and focuses on success as it has increased its suitability  of Darico ecosystem by keeping substantial reserves in the liquidity pool
  • The users are able to get frequent updates about the latest news  about  coins, businesses behind them  and major exchanges as well as conversing with the technical analyst to help them plot their own investments
  • The platform team is credible full of related experience assisted by the CEO Majtaba Asadian who has featured as a leader in several regions and international publications


  • The use of DEC token doesn’t permit holders with royalties and  rights to capital profits  and returns from the project
  • The trading is restricted by international laws and regulations
  • The platform token is highly affected by law as it under new taxation law hence corroding its benefits


  • The token holders should be given more incentives including a share of the project profits and returns
  • The project team should ensure its  full adherence to laws and regulations for full implementation
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It was difficult for any new investor to keep an eye on the market as a digital currency could be developed by anyone. Darico ecosystem will be an excellent platform for both new and mature investors to thrive. This ecosystem will provide the investor with all the necessary tools, wallet, information, and other services that will help them to make a good investment. Due to its strong market awareness, fundamentals and a team of dedicated professionals, this project has great potential for both short as well as long-term financial gains.

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Darico is a unique cryptocurrency investment. The company claims to be putting 90% of funds raised during the ICO to three assets, including gold, bitcoin, and Ethereum. 35% of the funds will be used to purchase gold, while the remainder will go towards bitcoin (55%) and Ethereum (10%). This is designed to expose investors to the high-growth potential of cryptocurrencies while also helping stabilize their investment with the time-honored stability of gold.

What’s the advantage of purchasing Darico tokens from the company instead of just purchasing these assets yourself? I’m not totally sure. The Darico whitepaper mentions several features that may be implemented in the future – including smart contract-based mortgages.

They also heavily promote the idea of “genesis accounts”, which are effectively smart contracts built on Ethereum, and those smart contracts are able to emit Darico tokens at a specific rate. Where does the money to buy new gold, bitcoin, and Ethereum come from? How much gold is linked to each Darico token? I’m not sure. However, the company claims it will issue a weekly proof of reserve to investors.

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