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    Том 24Н
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    24 ч (объем)
  • ZBG
    DAAC/USDT 4 год назад
    $ 0.0234
    $ 35.834 K


Network node

privacy protection

Distributed storage

IPFS content transmission

VR Collector Core Algorithm & Cloud Processing

In order to enhance the VR realism and user experience, the Distributed Adult Art & Culture platform explores the three architectures of acquisition, processing and distribution based on cloud resources and existing equipment resources, from the collection end to the cloud and client business processes. VR live broadcast a complete set of solutions.

The Distributed Adult Art & Culture platform uses IPFS content delivery. Any resources stored in the system, including text, images, sound, video, and website code, will generate a unique address after hashing through IPFS.

Distributed Adult Art & Culture puts the scalability of the file system at the forefront of design and practice, so it has good scalability and can easily support distributed environments with hundreds of nodes or even thousands of nodes.

The Distributed Adult Art & Culture platform uses blockchain technology, combined with trusted computing, distributed storage, and open algorithms to create a new identity authentication platform that provides a more comprehensive, secure, and efficient identity authentication service, and through DAAC's own ecology. Identity data gives new value.

The bottom layer of Distributed Adult Art & Culture consists of multiple nodes forming a P2P distributed network, each of which performs a certain function in the network. Nodes and nodes interact with each other through RPC, and state synchronization and data distribution are performed through the Gossip protocol.

DAAC Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Yuta Shibata
Makoto Igarashi
Brian Azzopardi
Chief architect
Kurt Mallia
Technical director
Shimizu Mio
Senior Consultant
邹 沛 (Zopei)
Senior Consultant
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