To the moon

To the moon

О проекте To the moon

Play TTM Game and compete with other players daily! Fill your ship with various assets The acquisition of assets is of an exclusively imitative nature, it is not an investment and does not contain signs of activity regulated by the Federal Law "On the Securities Market" dated April 22, 1996 No. 39-FZ.
that will fuel it and take you to the Moon! TTM Game is a gaming platform where users compete in races to the moon, collecting game portfolios and earning rewards.
Choose a spaceship
Fill the tank of your ship with imitation, cryptocurrencies and other assets.Let the flight begin!
The speed of your spaceships depends on changes in asset prices in your tank. Quotes are taken directly from the stock exchange in real-time.

The first person to reach the Moon takes the prize pool. Register and invite your friends!