

Scaling Web 3.0 Powered by Advancing Zero Knowledge to Unlock Real World Use Cases

О проекте Telos

Telos started as a spark of shared belief among a small group of innovators and builders that saw the potential of blockchain and aimed to unlock the capabilities of true scalability and utility to meet the needs of the world. The Telos mainnet launched in 2018 without any ICO or VC funding, thereby avoiding concentrated team funds or token unlocks for early participants.

As the structure of the Telos Foundation and Telos Core Development Team grew and evolved post launch, the project’s direction and tech stack was able to take definitive shape.

The team launched the Telos EVM in late 2021 to enhance compatibility with existing applications, tooling and networks, which then paved the way for Telos’s transition into a true Layer 0 network enabling the creation of new blockchains that utilise Telos Zero Consensus.