The SRIW Group contributes to the development of the economy of our Region by intervening financially in the development projects of Walloon companies or established in Wallonia. It participates in their growth, alongside private investors, via loans but also equity investments

О проекте SRIWGroup

What is your project ?

SRIW develops a wide range of personalized solutions to support all of your projects: business creation, development through innovation or investment, internal growth requiring an increase in working capital, external growth, creation of a subsidiary in Wallonia, Belgium or abroad, conquest of new markets, transmission...

And our solutions are numerous to support you in your search for financing: equity participation, subordinated loan, convertible loan, equity loan, pari passu loan with a bank, intervention in a holding company, intervention in an operational subsidiary, mixed intervention in capital and on loan, …


Our missions

SRIW is a long-term investor whose missions are:

  • To take stakes, in capital or in loans, in companies active in Wallonia
  • To create added value through the participating companies by financing their growth, their transmission, their energy and digital transition or their internationalization
  • To support the development of spin-offs and start-ups in emerging sectors with an appropriate financial offer and strategic support
  • To maintain in Wallonia the main activities and decision-making centers of the large controlled companies, as well as to support them in their growth
  • To support participating companies by providing them with specific skills and putting them in contact with its financial, industrial or commercial networks
  • To develop lines of financial products perfectly adapted to the needs of the different stages of the business life cycle
  • To intervene in specialized funds in order to strengthen its Belgian and international network, to give its holdings privileged access to certain financial players, and to strengthen its expertise in the sectors of the future
  • To act proactively in order to encourage the creation of activities in certain sectors, in particular to complete certain links in the value chain or enter new markets
  • To monitor the main market developments (growth sectors, disruptions, etc.) and financing techniques, and to propose on this basis, if necessary, to the Walloon Government new actions in terms of economic policy, or measures aimed at to facilitate economic development (training, regional planning, mobility, etc.)

To carry out all of its missions, the SRIW will ensure that it generates appropriate overall profitability and
may seek to achieve leverage effects on external resources.

Our vision

The SRIW aims to accelerate the growth and transformation of Walloon companies for the benefit of
economic development and employment in Wallonia.

Its raison d'être is to contribute to making Walloon companies more numerous, more competitive, more innovative, more sustainable and
to position them judiciously on international markets.

The SRIW also aims to support the creation of attractive ecosystems and to strengthen the value chains in order to better anchor
existing companies in the Walloon territory and to attract new ones.

Our values

Creator of Futures

“Deploying our full potential to build the Wallonia of tomorrow”

We pave the way for the development of emerging and innovative sectors by anticipating economic changes and the new professions of tomorrow.
We stimulate the energy, economic and social transition of companies as well as their digital transformation with appropriate investments, resources and skills.
We are developing a management culture linked to societal challenges by encouraging initiative, audacity and creativity.



“Continuously reinventing ourselves to design creative solutions”

We are committed to meeting the needs of our partners and colleagues by developing tailor-made responses or approaches.
We cultivate a taste for entrepreneurship and the ability to take risks. We are continually adapting to deliver solutions with high added value.
We are flexible and we invest ourselves fully in our missions, activities and functions while taking care to respect our personal balance and that of our interlocutors.



“Promoting success through the quality of our expertise”

We are credible, reliable and legitimate when we approach a project by paying particular attention to the quality of our interventions.
Through our expertise, we catalyze harmonious solutions and develop specific approaches to maximize success.
We invest in the development of the skills of our employees to remain at the forefront in our respective businesses.



"Building winning relationships based on respect and trust"

We take care to build a dynamic of long-term collaboration based on trust, integrity and the alignment of mutual interests.
We lead by example, act responsibly and honor our commitments to our partners and colleagues.
We strive to create and preserve a caring and respectful working atmosphere for everyone by promoting spaces for discussion and attentive listening and by approaching professional interactions in a constructive and rewarding way.