Nilai University

Nilai University

О проекте Nilai University

Founded in 1998, Nilai University has been notably excelling generally and especially in teaching & learning. This commitment is proven with a 5-star rating in 6 categories awarded by QS University Ratings. This accomplishment undeniably reiterates the University’s strength in competing in a greater league and defies the limit of education that transcends borders. Nilai University also stands as a specialist in a 5-star rating for its Masters of Business Administration programmes, recognized for its world-renowned accreditations, impressive employment rates, and impeccable faculty-student ratio. In the realm of teaching, our commitment to student satisfaction and completion has garnered widespread recognition. Our employability track record is marked by strong endorsements from employers. Nilai University has also been rated as ‘Competitive’ (Berdaya Saing) by the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education for Malaysian Integrated Rating of Higher Education Institutions (SETARA) 2022, due to the exceptional performance in key evaluation areas.

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