

MEATEC is combining the cold ambient weather in Siberia with green abundant renewable hydro powered Bitcoin- and cryptocurrency mining and bringing it to anyone anywhere in the world (retail as well as institutional) – at the worlds most competitive prices!

О проекте Meatec

MEATEC is a full-service hosting company for mining hardware, such as ASIC’s and GPU’s.

We have been in the business professionally since 2017 and we also benefit from the personal experience our employees have gained over the years tinkering with IT, hardware and home-mining.


Company profile


MEATEC LLC has been founded in 2019 as a successor of MeaTec UG.

Our company is located in Georgia (Asia) which enjoys all the benefits of a technology- and finance-friendly country which ultimately translates well for our customers.

MEATEC is making an effort out of helping cryptocurrency mining become more accessible for everyone. From our years of experience in this field, we are aware that mining can have a steep learning curve for most investors in regards to mastering both technical skills, where you try to keep your hardware running at absolut peak maximum 24/7, as well you have to know a good bit about finance, ROI, exchange-rates and investment in general.

Declared goals

At MEATEC we have made it a declared goal, that we will bring this down to ‘mom n’ pops’-level. If you can teach your mom about Bitcoin, private keys and hashing algorithms in a visually and friendly way, then the road to mass-adoption is indeed paved.


To help our customers and us achieve this goal, we are trying to build a fully white-gloved product suite along with a fully self-managed VPN-accessed institutional solution while trying not to damage our fragile planet in the process.


By liquifying, digitising and monetising locked up green and sustainable abundant energy potentials around the world, we think this fight is worth fighting.


Why transition to a new decentralised monetary system, that is STILL based on oil, coal and nuclear – energies that have proved to destroy the planet over and over again while in the hands of the greedy faulty legacy fiat system?


Why not try to strike two birds with one stone cleaning up our dirty polluting acts in the process, while taking down corrupt privacy endangering banksters, state leaders and criminals, so we ACTUALLY have something ‘cool’ to leave to our grandchildren?




We offer a rock-solid service based on European business ethics, German management skills, Danish punctuality and due diligence mixed with Russian know-how and tech. Selling and hosting hardware for both the crypto enthusiast as well as ‘mom n’ pops’ has never been easier and more accessible. We can offer you everything from a fully self-managed solution with VPN-access to our white-glove service, where you don’t have to do anything but watch your interest grow on your mined revenue.




Sustainable Co-Location Service



All of our co-location data center uses green surplus hydro power from the rivers and dams in Siberia. Lake Baikal – the worlds biggest fresh water lake, that never runs dry – delivers all the power we need without harming the environment or local population in the process. We never really experience seasonal fluctuations in the weather conditions, like they do in China fx., where many co-location data centers experience floodings during the wet season. These fluctuations in the weather forces them to migrate each year risking both the lives of the hardware, the co-location facilities but certainly also the workers. All of this is eventually reflected in the hosting price. At MEATEC we have a CONSTANT price, weather and co-location facility ALL year round – just like that!

How Does It Work?



Order a miner online, pay with crypto or fiat via SEPA transfer and wait for our team to install it and the crypto flows directly into your self-controlled wallet. Or you can send us your currently owned machines from anywhere in the world and we’ll help you with the shipping and customs declarations via our trusted partners. Your machines your crypto!