ego death capital

ego death capital

Bitcoin ecosystem venture.

О проекте ego death capital

We don’t follow the rules, we create our own. We look below the surface. We constantly question. We avoid group-think and narrow-mindedness. We seek truth. We want a world that is unified, not divided. We value kindness, generosity, honesty and integrity. We support the collective good. We reject exclusivity and exploitation. We believe in financial security for all and equal access to wealth. We don’t subscribe to excessive greed. We trust in abundance. We recognize the importance of this work.

We are entrepreneurs investing in entrepreneurs.

We fund game-changing companies with innovative solutions to real problems.


Jeff Booth
founding partner
Nico Lechuga
founding partner
Andi Pitt
founding partner
Preston Pysh
general partner
Lyn Alden
general partner

Участие в мероприятиях