Data Union DAO

Data Union DAO

Build new x-to-earn Data Unions on ethereum with our web3 infrastructure: the Data Union Framework

О проекте Data Union DAO

The Data Union Framework
The Data Union framework powers applications that incentivize people to participate in the crowdsourcing of valuable data. It enables people to earn with their data.
Smart contracts and decentralized networks
are used to transfer tokens and data. It is the infrastructure that powers data unions. The framework is a token distributer and a member manager. What Is Streamr Network
Streamr offers a decentralized real-time data infrastructure with a publish/subscription messaging system. It is built to distribute and trade the worlds live flowing data. Learn more about Streamr on their website and in their docs.
Deploy And Manage Your Data Union With Streamr Core Both technologies have proven to work perfectly together. Streamr offers a frontend for easy deployment and configuration of data unions. Follow this guide to learn how to deploy, manage and integrate your data union with Streamr.
What you’ll need
Creating a Data Union requires an Ethereum address to create, manage and receive revenue from the underlying smart contract. It also requires some sort of host application that enables your users to join and provide data. For example, this can be a browser extension, a mobile app, or a publishing script on a hardware device.