The Canadian Association of Alternative Strategies & Assets is Canada’s largest association representing the alternative investment industry in Canada with approximately 400 members — including alternative investment managers, pension plans, foundations, endowments, and service providers. Its membership and activities span all alternatives from hedge funds and venture capital to real estate and cryptocurrencies. Founded in 2018, CAASA’s mission is to bring Canada to the world and the world to Canada by promoting information sharing, networking, and collaborative initiatives between its members and the industry at large.
Inclusiveness – We represents a broad cross-section of public and private market participants whose offerings are distributed to true retail, Accredited Investor retail, family offices, endowments, foundations, public and private pension plans, and sovereign wealth funds.
Bringing Canada to the World & the World to Canada – our activity is in all areas of Canada, from larger asset management hub, to those with major / a concentration of investors, to others where service providers congregate. Examples include: Toronto, Montréal, Québec, Halifax, Ottawa, Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, Edmonton, and Winnipeg. It is important for a truly national organization to be engaged in all aspects and regions.
Transparent Governance & Structure – CAASA was created and is controlled by the membership and local staff for the benefit of members and the Canadian alternatives industry at large. The association’s Member Advisory Panel (MAP) works with its staff in formulating and adapting overall strategy, new and continuing initiatives, event and conference themes and formats that focus on particular aspects and/or geographical areas in the Canadian alternatives industry.
Engagement & Activity – CAASA serves and represents the alternatives industry in Canada by engaging in member-lead local and national initiatives in advocacy; investor, manager, and industry best practices & policies; committees and working groups dedicated to broad mandates as well as those uniquely Canadian and in areas of national or regional expertise; and production of thought leadership events, publications, and initiatives affecting the Canadian and global alternative investment landscape.