Afya Rekod

Afya Rekod

AfyaRekod is a platform that helps you communicate with health practitioners, store and manage your health records.

О проекте Afya Rekod

Afya Rekod is a digital health platform that allows individuals to store their health information, engage with doctors, interact with verified health information and access tools that will support their well being and enhance their health so they can enjoy rich, fulfilling lives.

Afya Rekod prompts patients to become more engaged in their health and take positive action to improve it, through daily record keeping of their health status and engagement with doctors, health experts and other health service providers.

  • Storage of patient health records
  • Mobility of health information
  • AI-based analysis and reports
  • Securely stored data


Our mission is to bridge the gap between health care and treatment for health care facilities and institutions to access and assist their patients anywhere, anytime through tools and resources accessible on the platform.