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О проекте 3dmakerszone

At the 3D Makers Zone, you can explore where your innovation opportunities lie and how you, as a company, can begin to capitalize on opportunities presented by new technology. Then, together with the experts at the 3D Makers Zone, you can build and grow in high gear.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs has declared the 3D Makers Zone to be the place where the Dutch manufacturing industry can make giant strides in innovation. The goal is that such innovations will come from the Netherlands from now on. In the 3D Makers Zone, companies get risk-free, accessible and expert advice, guidance and implementation in the development of new and smart objects.

Combining new production technologies

3D printing, robotization, Internet of Things, wearables and Big Data all provide enormous opportunities, but at the 3D Makers Zone they teach you how to apply them in your production processes.

Thinking from opportunities

The 3D Makers Zone is a place where innovation is not only talked about, but also directly researched and prototyped. Within one day, your company is guaranteed to have ten ideas for new business cases that have the potential to lead to radical growth.

Extra growth

Savings in labor, materials, parts, inventory, longevity, transportation and development time. More revenue through higher quality products, customization, personalization, design and innovative end products. Innovating in your own business environment within existing structures sometimes takes years. At the 3D Makers Zone, you have a prototype within three days. This is how you sprint away from the competition.

The open innovation character of the 3D Makers Zone has already demonstrated that innovation in co-creation not only works in practice, but is also faster, more accessible and risk-free. What is holding you back? Come along and be amazed about the possibilities for your company!