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Commacoin основан на технологии Block Chain и предоставляет платформу, которая позволяет рекламодателям и знаменитостям торговать напрямую друг с другом. Вы также можете разрешать споры в обществе с помощью платформы Smart Funding. Commacoin - это платформа, основанная на цепочке блоков Ethereum и использующая технологию рекламы AI. Мы используем рекламный сервис AI как средство для разработки и использования dApp. Платформа Commacoin разделена на четыре платформы, состоящие из рекламы, умного влияния, умного финансирования, пожертвований. Включая широкий спектр приложений dApp, мы стремимся упростить использование умных контрактов для простых людей.
окт., 2018
окт., 2018
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
Cap 4 000.00 ETH
Hard cap 26 100.00 ETH
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О проекте Commacoin

COMMA Advertisement

You can earn CMX through an easy way by just advertising mentioning the selected phrase or a word from the advertiser through a social media network you belong to e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, community forums etc. 
Advertisers that have had their ads registers through the use of CMX are able to do so with convenience and transparency, and also save their advertisement expenses by cutting out the middleman in advertising agencies.

Smart Influencer

As a Smart Influencer you are able to pursue fame just like your favorite Instagram models or Youtube stars.
Not only are you unbound to a specific platform of social media, you are tapped into a larger advertising market, thus you are one step closer in becoming a true celebrity quicker than ever.
Smart influencers in the future will be right in the mix amongst Titles such as Instagram star, Facebook hit, and celebrity.

Exclusively at COMMA based on our self-assessed index of Influencers. Influencers who have the top100 highest exposures will have the benefit of having advertisers matched up by COMMA as well as many other benefits.
90% of the funds deposited for an advertisement expense will be given to the Smart Influencer, and 5% going towards the Supporters. Integrity will not be at danger because every transaction will use the Smart Contract technology, thus creating an environment where an advertiser can invest with the Influencer with ease. Supporters have the ability to vote for Smart Influencers, this vote allows the Supporters to earn CMX depending the activity of the Influencers they have voted. Supporters can cast votes with CMX and the CMX they have been used to cast votes will be burnt. 

At COMMA anybody can be a Smart Influencer.

Smart Funding

Crowdfunding is a multi-signature escrow system. At COMMA using our blockchain as a platform we included a crowdfunding feature to our Smart Contract so it is more readily available and user friendly for the public. It is apparent that Smart Contracts are not so user friendly and more geared towards software developers, at COMMA we aim to make smart contracts more accessible for the general public; hence we introduce Smart Funding. 

Using our Smart Funding system users will be able to generate crowdfundings, participate in crowd funds, vote, create polls, and be active as a Supporter. Users, idealists, developers, influencers, and etc around the world are able to gather using the Smart Funding platform. Awareness that users have generated through Smart Funding can be advertised and spread through donation of CMX from many parties. Countless possibilities can be achieved with the use of Smart Funding; you can even raise funds to summon a lawyer for a cause, and if you generate a poll with Smart Funding, voting would require a payment of CMX so that the authenticity and the integrity of each vote is assured.


This is a platform where you are able to donate CMX to a group or an individual of your choice. Donation is something everyone wishes to do, but hardly participates in mostly for monetary reasons. At COMMA just an article or a post towards a designated group or an individual you wish you donate to is enough for them to receive free CMX. Of course if the CMX given by COMMA is not enough for the group/individual, you are able to donate further amounts of CMX from your own wallet. 10% of our monthly sales profit is to be set as the total budget of the donation pool. When a user posts or writes an article about donation, the donation made can be named under a desired name of the donating user.
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