Codex Protocol

Codex Protocol

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Codex Protocol - это децентрализованный реестр названий для Art & Collectibles. Кодекс хранит право собственности + происхождение, обеспечивая конфиденциальность.
24 июл. 2018 г.
12 авг. 2018 г.
100% завершено
$12 000 000
hard cap
80% cap завершено
Cap 15 000 000.00 USD
Hard cap 25 000 000.00 USD
1 июн. 2018 г.
23 июл. 2018 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
Детали токена
Бегущая строка
Принимаемые валюты
Сведения о компании
Зарегистрированная Страна
United States
дополнительные детали
MVP / Prototype
Платформа, криптовалюта, Развлечение, искусство, Бизнес-услуги, Программного обеспечения

О проекте Codex Protocol

Кодекс - это децентрализованный реестр уникальных активов, таких как произведения искусства, вина, часы и многое другое. Используйте криптовалюту для покупки произведений искусства и предметов коллекционирования за 6 миллиардов долларов сегодня и подключитесь к растущей экосистеме сторонних услуг.

Codex Protocol Roadmap

  • Phase 1: Pre-launch

  • ● Technical development of Codex Protocol, Biddable and Sellable.
    ● Integration of Biddable into the soware and technology providers within the consortium.
    ● Recruitment and engagement of third-party application developers.
  • Phase 2: Launch

  • ● Marketing campaign to educate and build awareness among the following bidder personas, in the following order of
    ○ Cryptoholders regarding the benefits of diversifying into art and collectibles and the ease of doing so through
    ○ Fiat bidders, especially those in Asia, who are currently excluded from western auctions but can access them
    using cryptocurrencies and Biddable
    ○ Existing Fiat bidders, both online and offline, who will be able to bid more easily at auctions using Biddable.
    ● Inside sales team outreach to auction houses to encourage use.
    ● Release of BidDex tokens
  • Phase 3: Post-launch

  • We have decided to be intentionally vague here because the future is uncertain and we don’t want to make inflexible
    commitments following token release. However, Codex Protocol will pursue its mission as described in section 9. We expect that in
    each vertical, the consortium will first expand, then new applications will be developed (oen with community fund sponsorship),
    aer which marketing will likely occur to end-users for the new use-case.We are confident in our strategy and ability to execute the pre-launch and launch strategy because the team has extensive
    experience launching products and increasing adoption in the art and collectibles market, including:
    ● Managing multi-million dollar marketing budgets in the A&C market.
    ● Managing inside sales teams soliciting auction houses and galleries through “predictable revenue” strategies.
    ● Launching and promoting scaled soware products for the art and collectibles space.
    Based on this experience, we are confident that our sales and marketing strategy and campaigns will be effective in driving
    adoption of the protocol at launch.

Codex Protocol Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды


$12 000 000

Mark Lurie
Jess Houlgrave
Adrienne Burke-Moran
Content & Community
Andreas Becker
Business Development
Sebastian Tory-Pratt
Design Lead
Colin Wood
Senior Software Engineer
Corinne Moshy
Events Manager


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Brook Hazelton
President, Christie's America


$49 000 000

Joey Krug
Co-founder Augur & co-Chief investment officer Pan...
Sarah Shinn Pratt
Former VP at Sotheby's
Fabrice Grinda
Co-Founder OLX Investor - Uber, AirBnb, Alibaba
Abe Othman
Advisor Augur, Stox PhD Computer Science, Carnegie...

10 ICOs

$48 277 157

David Wachsman
Founder and CEO Wachsman
Nader Al-Naji
Founder Basecoin Formely D.E. Shaw, Google

Codex Protocol Последние Новости

5.0 19
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда

Codex Protocol Обзоры
ICO review website

Codex isn’t the first to see the benefits of blockchain in the art world. Verisart is a Los Angeles-based startup founded by the former CEO of Saatchi Online and Sedition Art, that launched in 2015. Verisart’s mobile app uses the bitcoin blockchain to let artists, collectors and dealers verify provenance in real time. is another startup using blockchain to generate certificates of authenticity. In this field, it is also worth noticing Everledger, Ascribe, Blockai, and Monegraph. The further steps of product development(i.e. after launching Biddable and Sellable) are not clear from WP.

It is not clear how the registration of A&C items with history of ownership will be conducted. Even though the team explains how they will address the risk of linking physical items to digital records, this question still has to be considered.

It is worth noticing that the company will issue two tokens: one is ERC-20 compliant and the second is ERC720-compliant i.e. the second token is non-fungible. Now, there is no information regarding hard/soft cap, expenses distribution, etc.

The team has strong experience in all relevant fields for the project development. Previously, CEO of Codex founded and sold a marketplace for fine art & antiques that still operates and has 240K visits, according to SimilarWeb. Other team members worked previously at Sotheby's bidding venue and Microsoft. The team also has advisors from relevant fields: cryptocurrencies, arts & collectibles, and consumer internet.


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ICO Pantera

1. Projects is related to auctions for luxury assets. The project has won a number of international awards.
2. A strong project to join with a prominent auction company. The roadmap is fast. The rate at which ecosystems are constructed is also fast.
3. It is backed by strong institutional investors including Pantera Capital.
A complementary point
1. No concrete token matrix was found.
2. There is not much hype compared to the other excellent projects of Pantera Capital.

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ICO review website

The project has the following strengths:

  • A well-explained product featuring a verification mechanism

  • An experienced team, strong advisors and notable investors

  • Partnership with A&C industry participants representing more than 5000 auction houses

  • Launched betas of dApps

  • Platform release is expected July 2018

  • No direct competitors

  • The smart contract has been audited by Hosho

However, the project also has the following significant risks:

  • Demand for the protocol token is not guaranteed

  • Dependence of the platform’s success on the involvement and acceptance of the community and market players

  • Relatively high indirect competition

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ICO review website

Diversity of investments is rule 101 for traditional financial advisors and whilst there are counter-arguments, cryptocurrency holders could do worse than copy this mantra.

If holding physical precious metals, garaging classic cars or owning priceless pieces of art is not an option then diversifying into tokenised assets as an alternative maybe an attractive option for some.

To do this confidently, though, buyers must first trust the information they are given about any item. Which brings us back to provenance and explains why Codex Protocol is well-placed to capitalise on the new tokenised economy of artwork and antiques.

Competition in the space is growing but as yet there is no clear leader. For example, Verisart has been offering limited certification services since 2015 but has been on the receiving end of recent negative publicity, and the forthcoming Allpublicart ICO has similar intentions to Codex Protocol but has yet to launch. Additionally, none of the competitors are yet displaying the MVP, dApps or array of supporting outlets that Codex Protocol have.

Provided that it engages well with its news partners, Codex Protocol should be fast out of the gate to build upon early successes and establish a firm presence upon the sector.

To paraphrase the company’s roadmap, the longer term forecast is harder to determine. Much will depend on factors outside of Codex’s control, such as how the physical identification of artefacts and masterpieces is received and how this correlates to a decentralised provenance register.

RFID chips as well synthetic DNA are making rapid strides and linking those initiatives with a separate blockchain ledger could either hinder or accelerate adoption for Codex.

Either way, the Codex Protocol proposition represents substantial improvement on the status-quo and there is certainly enough substance here to warrant interest in the project.

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