Created using Figma
The world's first unique stable coin that combines an real peg by CBD with algorithm
To be announced
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О проекте CBDCASH

Originally, access to CBD and the cannabis industry was limited to purchasing products or owning shares in related companies.

Now, with the launch of CBD CASH, access to the industry will be expanded, and participating in CBD CASH will be like accessing the CBD market from the DeFi side.

The cannabis industry also has its challenges. While awareness is growing, there is still a segment of the population that considers CBD "dubious" or uninteresting. This is where CBD CASH can be a bridge to reach out to a different audience.

Those who buy cryptocurrency without knowing about CBD, and those who buy CBD without knowing about cryptocurrency, are both contributing to the industry without knowing it.

The "CBD CASH" is a cross between the green rush of the cannabis industry and the DeFi bubble of 2021.

The convergence of the real industry of cannabis and the digital industry of DeFi has the potential for a tremendous big bang. It is a very difficult choice not to participate in this project, even though we are witnessing its realization.


  • Q2

  • ・ CBD CASH protocol launch
    · Partnerships with several CBD factories and Farms
    ・ CBD Market OPEN by real peg (May 2021)
  • Q3

  • · More partnerships (CBD factories, Farm, other protocols)
    ・ NFT Market & Gacha OPEN
  • Q4

  • Cross-chain natively (via Polkadot)

CBDCASH Последние Новости

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