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Последнее обновление

30 авг. 2018 г.

После цикла совместного использования и создания стоимости CariOS Market будет одновременно производителем и потребителем данных. CariOS Market, экономически эффективная экономическая система, построена на блокчейне CariOS и поддерживает справедливую оценку данных и распределение вознаграждений. Регулировка спроса и предложения, оплата, покупка будут производиться в CariOS Coin.
30 сент. 2018 г.
31 окт. 2018 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
  • 1 CAS
    0.006 USD
2 Tier
15 сент. 2018 г.
29 сент. 2018 г.
100% завершено
$13 236 369
hard cap
33% cap завершено
Cap 12 000.00 ETH
Hard cap 66 700.00 ETH
  • 1 CAS
    0.005 USD
1 Tier
1 сент. 2018 г.
14 сент. 2018 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
Cap 12 000.00 ETH
Hard cap 66 700.00 ETH
  • 1 CAS
    0.004 USD
Детали токена
Бегущая строка
Общее предложение
Распределение токенов
40% Sale
30% Ecosystem management, R&D
10% Reserve
16% Team & Advisor
4% Marketing & Promotion
Принимаемые валюты
Минимальный вклад
Бонусная структура
Pre-sale 1 Tier = 30% bonus
2 Tier = 20% bonus
ICO = 0% bonus
дополнительные детали
да ,
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О проекте CariOS

CariOS - это блокчейн-проект по созданию и управлению рынком CariOS, рынком, на котором можно обмениваться автомобильными данными и обмениваться ими.

Рынок CariOS = Рынок автомобильных данных

В связи с быстрым развитием подключенных автомобилей, электромобилей (электромобилей), автономных автомобилей и интеллектуальных автомобилей возникает необходимость в децентрализованном открытом рынке для сделок в автомобильной промышленности. CariOS Market будет поддерживать обмен данными между всеми заинтересованными сторонами. Участники рынка CariOS - все заинтересованные стороны в автомобильной промышленности, будь то пользователи автомобилей, производители автомобилей или поставщики автомобильных услуг. Они участвуют в CariOS Market одновременно как производители данных и потребители в цикле совместного использования и создания стоимости. Основанная на технологиях экономическая система, CariOS Market построена на блокчейне CariOS и поддерживает справедливую оценку данных и распределение вознаграждений. Учет корректировок спроса и предложения, выплаты и покупки осуществляются с помощью CariOS Coin.
Данные об автомобилях более не ограничиваются узким использованием некоторыми избранными, но с явного согласия владельцев данных становятся общим активом, который приносит пользу другим участникам. на рынке CariOS. Когда поставщики услуг или производители хотят получить доступ к данным пользователей автомобилей, надлежащая авторизация предоставляется владельцам данных, и даже тогда вся информация и конфиденциальные данные защищаются с помощью криптографии.
В конечном счете, CariOS Market стремится создать среду, в которой данные автомобилей и информация больше не используется и не хранится в нескольких избранных компаниях, но используется и передается через законные и безопасные процессы и транзакции. В результате автомобильные данные станут достоянием общественности и вернут более ценные и оптимизированные услуги, которыми пользуются те, кто в них участвует.


1) Car data market with real consumers and producers

 a) H. Capital

 H. Capital designed by the LD Capital is an investment institution that provides capital investment banking services for high quality block chain projects in global market. it mainly engaged in the innovation project investment of block chain, the block chain investment bank, the incubating innovation of block chain business,actively exploring the innovation business of the block chain and so on. 
The headquarters is located in Singapore and selected as the OKEx super node. 
Investment cases: TAC traceability chain, hash world, pivot app (PVT), Content OS (cheetah), etc.

 b) True North Venture

True North Venture Partners invests in and supports early stage businesses that have the potential to transform, expand and lead global industries. 
Our goal is to identify exceptionally talented entrepreneurs with the vision, drive and business potential to significantly improve the world and help them realize their dreams by providing capital and expertise.

 c) Draper Dragon

Draper Dragon - Established in March of 2006, DFJ DragonFund was the joint venture between the internationally recognized venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ) and DragonVenture, which helped pioneer venture capital in China in the late 90’s. 
Since its inception, DFJ DragonFund managed two US Dollar funds “DFJ DragonFund I & DFJ DragonFund II” and one RMB fund. In 2014, the DFJ Global Network rebranded as the Draper Venture Network. With the launch of our 3rd US Dollar fund in 2016, DFJ DragonFund henceforward became known as DraperDragon. Representative Investment Examples - Vechain, ledger, aelf, quark, etc.


HAIMA - Originally founded as a joint venture between the Hainan provincial government and Mazda, Haima Automobile was separated from the latter and became an independent brand in the Chinese market. It’s a strong player in the SUV segment.


HAWTAI - Headquartered in Beijing, China, Hawtai Motor Group manufactures finished vehicles including SUVs, sedans, station wagons, and electric vehicles (EVs), boasting an annual manufacturing capacity of 1 million vehicles. It is ranked as one of China’s top 10 automobile brands.

 f) JMC

JMC - Once a player specializing in commercial vehicles and SUVs, Jiangling Motors (JMC) has recently begun to focus more on EVs, becoming one of the top 5 EV manufacturers in China in terms of sales rate. It currently has a joint venture with Ford. 

2) The true value of CariOS Coin - Can be used in real transactions

CariOS Market are all stakeholders within the automobile industry be it car users, automobile manufacturers, or automotive service providers. They participate in CariOS Market simultaneously as data producers and consumers in a cycle of value sharing and creation. A technology-enabled economic system, CariOS Market is built on the CariOS Blockchain and supports the fair valuation of data and distribution of rewards. Accounting for adjustments in supply and demand, payouts and purchases are made with CariOS Coin

3) A virtuous cycle of car data transactions in which all participants benefit - A sustainable ecosystem

With the CariOS Data Collector device that can be easily attached to a vehicle's OBD-II port, together with the CariOS Mobile Wallet smartphone application and CariOS Auto Wallet software installed in the car, car users are able to collect car data for sharing on CariOS Market.

The car data that car users have agreed to share is then stored on the CariOS Blockchain in exchange for CariOS Coin according to the value of the data provided. Using these CariOS Coins, car users are able to purchase various products and services offered by manufacturers and service providers participating in CariOS Market.
Data producers can share data and receive compensation in CariOS Coins according to the evaluated value of the data. Data consumers can obtain the rights to extract and use the data by paying that evaluated value in CariOS Coins.

Техническая информация

1) Autosafe

AutoSafe is a security solution for connected cars, autonomous vehicles, and smart cars. The technology required for The technology required for comprehensive automotive security can be divided into fourmajor categories, and AutoSafe offers the following:

1. Securing communication between car and external devices: Provision of encryption and authentication for external communications through the public key encryption.
2. Secure gateway to protect the electrical and electronic systems(E/E): Provision of detection capabilities and controls for data traffic flows in order to defend against incoming cyberattacks, as well as necessary data security and privacy to protect outgoing data transmitted to external devices.
3. Secure communication for car's internal network: Provision of necessary security and key management technology to enable encryption and authentication between ECUs in car's internal network.
4. Security for ECUs: Provision of Secure Boot and Remote Attestation capabilities to create safe operational environment for ECUs. Secure updates for ECU software and firmware are also provided, leveraging Hardware Trust Anchors (HTAs) like TPM to enhance the security of such technologies.
In the CariOS Market, security is required for sharing car data and receiving processed car data. AutoSafe through CariOS Market provides the necessary security technology for creating more convenience and secure cars.


2) AuthentiCA

The Internet-of-Things, or IoT, is the technological network of large-scale devices like smart cars, smart factories, smart grids, smart homes, and handheld devices like wearables and sensors. However, regardless of the size of IoT devices, the priority needs to be in securing the communications between the device and the service server. Secure communications can be implemented through authentication and encryption of confidential data between the two entities.

But even encryption can only occur after authentication, making authentication the key and foundational technology in IoT. AuthentiCA is a cloud-based certificate authority service that allows users to easily create, sign, and manage keys and certificates for creating a secure IoT environment. Since it is compatible with Microsoft’s Azure IoT Suite, users of Microsoft’s cloud platform Azure can conveniently utilize the IoT security technology provided by AuthentiCA. CariOS Market participants use keys and certificates issued by CariOS CA (AuthentiCA technology optimized for CariOS Market) for authentication to support secure trade of car data.


3) CariOS CryptoWallet

Cryptocurrency has attracted great interest for its potential to transform existing online business models and contribute to the development of new online-to-offline (O2O) business opportunities. In reality, the industry has been struggling with setbacks following high-profile security incidents involving cryptocurrency exchanges and hacking targeting wallet providers.
Many existing digital wallets either only provide storage for keys required for cryptocurrency or lack secure options for network connections, which has left numerous wallets vulnerable to attacks. CariOS CryptoWallet securely manages the entire lifecycle of encryption keys that are used in cryptocurrency transactions. It is also compatible with various electronic money transfer services and provides secure storage and transaction of electronic money.
The technology behind CariOS CryptoWallet will be optimized for use in CariOS Market to develop CariOS Mobile Wallet and CariOS Auto Wallet. In addition to functioning as cryptocurrency wallets that facilitate CariOS Coin transactions, they will serve as CariOS Nodes that participate in the CariOS Blockchain.

CariOS Roadmap

  • 2018. 3Q

  • Public sale and token distribution
  • 2018. 4Q

  • Mobile Wallet v1 launch (Token Transfer)
  • 2019. 1Q

  • Testnet launch
  • 2019. 2Q

  • Auto Wallet v1 launch
  • Прочитайте больше
  • 2019. 3Q

  • Mainnet launch (Blockchain v1 launch)
  • 2020. 1Q

  • Auto Wallet v2 launch (Communication with Mainnet)
  • 2020. 3Q

  • Client for Service Provider v1 launch
  • 2020. 4Q

  • Blockchain v2 launch
  • 2021. 2Q

  • Blockchain v3 launch

CariOS материалы

CariOS Команда

Проверено 100%


$28 357 451

Kevin Zhou
Founder, CEO
Hope Lee
CO-Founder, CFO
Daniel Jia
Senior Software Developer
Kai Jiang
Senior Big Data Product & Data Application Develop...
Steve Zheng
Facilities Manager
Xiu Lan
Management Support Team
Zhu Xiao
Sales & Marketing Manager


Проверено 100%

Zhang Shiyan
Technical Adviser
Bi Xiaogang
Xuan Yulong
Technical Adviser
Zhang Jianguo
Executive Advisor

CariOS Последние Новости

5.0 20
ICO Профиль Видение Активность Потенциал Продукт Команда
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