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BRITARIA™ is an open-world MMO action RPG. Inside BRITARIA, you can own land, build & decorate your own virtual homes, conquer beasts and your fellow man, collect rare items and resources, dominate the arena, and much more.
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О проекте BRITARIA

The game was inspired by classic MMORPGs like Ultima Online and RuneScape, but it also draws inspiration from famous action RPGs like Diablo and Path of Exile, and mainstream MMOs like World of Warcraft. BRITARIA is a sequel to Legends of Aria, an MMORPG released in 2020.

This new title is a full-loot game, which makes it a very cutthroat world. You can kill other players and take their valuables off their dead corpse. In addition, the game features an open-economy and we encourage real-money transactions on our Marketplace. Almost all the items in the game, including the deed to your house, your characters, and tamed pets, can be resold at anytime on our Marketplace.

BRITARIA is a sandbox game sandbox game featuring a vast open world of over 35 square miles, which is bigger than the entire Skyrim map. In this world, there are over 30 trainable skills that give you the tools to write your own story and play how you like. You can be a warrior, a thief, a crafter, a mage, a treasure hunter, or whatever your heart desires.

The land also features tons of dungeons to explore and collect rare loot, as well as towns to seek refuge and refill your supplies. Another great place to seek refuge is by building your own home. Players can claim any piece of open land in BRITARIA as their own, then build and decorate their own home. Homes are a great place to store the many items you collect in the world and you can also use them to train your skills in private, socialize with your friends, or congregate with guild mates.

The following pages explain some systems the are already built out within the game, as well as some of our future plans over the coming years.


  • Q1 2022:

  • Whitepaper published ✔️
    New game client development begins ✔️
    Scaling of game development team ✔️
    New website goes live ✔️
  • Q2 2022:

  • Closed Alpha Testing starts ✔️
    Launchpads onboarding begins ✔️
    Token presale begins ✔️
  • Q3 2022:

  • INO for our Generation Zero Character NFTs ✔️
    Token public sales / IDOs ✔️
    Token Generation Event (TGE) ✔️
  • Q4 2022:

  • Launch of Creator Program, where community developers create new maps and mods for the game that will be vetted by the team and we’ll compensate creators for changes that we implement ✔️
    Token trading begins ✔️
    Open Alpha Testing
    $DREAD staking program goes live
  • Прочитайте больше
  • Q1 2023:

  • Marketplace goes live
    New game client goes live (with limited world) on PC
    In-game store is launched
    Magical Forging begins
    Item Insurance system initiated
    Proximity voice chat is implemented
    Pet Mating goes live
  • Q2 2023:

  • Jail system goes live
    NFT Displays implemented
    Proximity Voice Chat added
    Mobile client of the game is released on App Stores
  • Q3 2023:

  • Server government goes live
    Tomes of Power integrated
    The Casino goes live
    Animal skill system and pet mating feature is enabled
  • Q4 2023:

  • Customizable house-building system is implemented
    New map becomes available
    DAO is formed to govern direction of project
  • Long-term plans:

  • Boat ownership and warfare
    New maps, game worlds, and lots of new content!
    Integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into our NPCs


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Joseph Rubin
Founder & CEO
Cody Russell
Operations Manager


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Derek Brinkmann
Key Advisor

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