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Bomberman is a P2E minigame based on the binance smart chain. Play & bet against other players and secure your spot on our daily and weekly leaderboard prize pool!
To be announced
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О проекте Bomberman

Bomberman is a Play to Earn Mini-Game on BSC, which is being developed. Players will be able to bet their BNB’s on a Game, play against each other and the winner will get the Pool of both Players’ bets. There are player modes like one against one, two against two and 4 against 4 players.

Bomberman Token will be used within the Ecosystem, if a player uses $BOMB to bet, he will have less Taxes to pay per Game in the Bomberman Game.

In the future, there will be held tournaments with a prize pool gained from the transaction fees of $BOMB token where players can save the day, enter the competition.

Bomberman has launched on 29 of November, 16:00 UTC+0 with 30’000’000 Supply. The Tokens are now fully distributed to the community, we as a team do not own any tokens. There is a 10% Buy and Sell Tax, which is split in 1% Redistribution in BUSD, 1% flows into the Prize Pool for the Tournaments and 1% flows into Liquidity Pool. Another 2% is used for Game development and 3% is equity for marketing. For the Team, there is 2% distribution. All the Taxes are being automatically converted into BUSD.

After launching the Game (estimated in around 2 weeks from now on) we will lower the Taxes to 3% since the Game will cover the Ecosystem itself. Those 3 percent will be split into 1% for the Team, 1% for Marketing and 1% for Game Development.

Bomberman Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды


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