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BNB Inu. Is a deflationary cryptocurrency on the Binance Smart Chain that gives rewards in BNB to token holders. As it stands, the global cryptocurrency market is now valued at $1.5 trillion and BNB owns a whopping $50billion in market capitalization.
2 Months
28 авг. 2021 г.
26 окт. 2021 г.
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Binance Smart Chain

О проекте BNB INU

BNB Inu. Is a deflationary cryptocurrency on the Binance Smart Chain that gives rewards in BNB to token holders. As it stands, the global cryptocurrency market is now valued at $1.5 trillion and BNB owns a whopping $50billion in market capitalization.

While your BNB Inu. Tokens continue to grow in value, you can also earn BNB in rewards by holding.
This token presents you the rare opportunity to earn in two ways.

BNB is the native coin of one of the most popular exchanges in the crypto world, and it also has great potential of rising in value. Just by holding the BNB Inu.

Token in your wallet, you receive BNB in your dashboard on our website, which can be withdrawn to your wallet every 72 hours.
However, the idea is not for holders to earn with BNBalone. With our strong penetration strategy and unparalleled marketing, we intend to put BNB Inu. On the forefront of all marketing channels and all cryptocurrency platforms.
This would boost the value of BNBInu. Token while our token holders continue to earn BNB rewards.


BNB Inu. Is a deflationary cryptocurrency on the Binance Smart Chain that gives rewards in BNB to token holders. As it stands, the global cryptocurrency market is now valued at $1.5 trillion and BNB owns a whopping $50billion in market capitalization.

While your BNB Inu. Tokens continue to grow in value, you can also earn BNB in rewards by holding.
This token presents you the rare opportunity to earn in two ways.

BNB is the native coin of one of the most popular exchanges in the crypto world, and it also has great potential of rising in value. Just by holding the BNB Inu.

Token in your wallet, you receive BNB in your dashboard on our website, which can be withdrawn to your wallet every 72 hours.
However, the idea is not for holders to earn with BNBalone. With our strong penetration strategy and unparalleled marketing, we intend to put BNB Inu. On the forefront of all marketing channels and all cryptocurrency platforms.
This would boost the value of BNBInu. Token while our token holders continue to earn BNB rewards.

Техническая информация

BNB Inu. Is a deflationary cryptocurrency on the Binance Smart Chain that gives rewards in BNB to token holders. As it stands, the global cryptocurrency market is now valued at $1.5 trillion and BNB owns a whopping $50billion in market capitalization.

While your BNB Inu. Tokens continue to grow in value, you can also earn BNB in rewards by holding.
This token presents you the rare opportunity to earn in two ways.

BNB is the native coin of one of the most popular exchanges in the crypto world, and it also has great potential of rising in value. Just by holding the BNB Inu.

Token in your wallet, you receive BNB in your dashboard on our website, which can be withdrawn to your wallet every 72 hours.
However, the idea is not for holders to earn with BNBalone. With our strong penetration strategy and unparalleled marketing, we intend to put BNB Inu. On the forefront of all marketing channels and all cryptocurrency platforms.
This would boost the value of BNBInu. Token while our token holders continue to earn BNB rewards.

BNB INU Roadmap


  • NA

BNB INU Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Bharat Gandass
Marketing Head

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