Bitcoin Air

Bitcoin Air

Created using Figma
The latest innovation in Green Stable Coin Technology, producing the perfect ecosystem for secure, transparent, and scalable cryptocurrency use.
  • рынок
    Том 24Н
    24ч (цена)
    24 ч (объем)
  • Livecoin
    XBA/ETH 3 год назад
    $ 5.94E-6
    $ 3.88
  • Livecoin
    XBA/USD 3 год назад
    $ 0.0002
    $ 133.27
  • Livecoin
    XBA/USDT 3 год назад
    $ 4.33E-6
    $ 0.3033
  • Livecoin
    XBA/BTC 3 год назад
    $ 0.0001
    $ 1.53
  • Allcoin
    XBA/USDT 4 год назад
    $ 0.0002
    $ 0.0120
  • Allcoin
    XBA/CKUSD 4 год назад
    $ 0.0008
    $ 0.0033
  • Allcoin
    XBA/BTC 4 год назад
    $ 0.0002
    XBA/LTC 5 год назад
    $ 0.0262
    XBA/ETH 5 год назад
    $ 0.0282
    XBA/BTC 5 год назад
    $ 0.0148

О проекте Bitcoin Air

Bitcoin Air prides itself on it’s community driven growth and communication. We begin by building our businesses culture around Security, Transparency, and Scalability, and proceed to scale up our goals to the communities needs and requests.

Bitcoin Air focuses on being the first suitable alternative to Bitcoin, by providing both an environmentally friendly consensus method, and backing our stable side-chain with Carbon Credits to aid in producing Green Initiatives through day to day business and consumer interaction.

Bitcoin Air seeks to provide a global solution to many of the key issues faced with traditional emissions, banking and financial systems. By combining the feature rich and populated base of Bitcoin, with the environmental and user-friendly consensus method of Peercoin, we produce the perfect dual-chain Blockchain that has ability to maintain both stable and volatile value. Bitcoin Air goes one step further to implement Atomic Swap to remove the need for exchanges and centralized trade forces.

Bitcoin Air focuses on bringing real-world change to the greater population by providing the first Carbon Credit Asset Backed currency that will in the end produce clean air initiatives and aid in reducing the Human Carbon Footprint by carefully regulating and producing new Emission Reducing Programs and Technologies.

Bitcoin Air Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Anthony C.
Lead of Finance and Development
Jamal Aezaz
Lead of Communications and Media
Simo Mcunu
Lead of Marketing and Promotion
Alex Gemcut
Lead of Graphics and Design Front End Developer

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