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О проекте BeeCoin

The main purpose of the bee coin is to help the bees. If bees were extinct for three years, there would be no planet. Our future goals are to help all those involved with bees, as well as donations to organizations that protect the bee ecosystem. The bee coin has no handling and the processing is original and autonomous with low brand circulation. Like bees if we unite we can achieve the best for ourselves and our planet.   The project created on 19/02/2022, is a smart trading platform that allows buyers to make fast and decentralized transactions. With low brand circulation it pays off and is a reliable investment for fast and secure transactions, aiming to link the interests of bees with the interests of buyers.   The project was created by a team in Greece on 19/02/2022 which aims to promote bees. The reasons for creation are purely investing and trading in a currency that promotes the bee. It does not oblige our team to do any environmental, any other action, in relation to the bee, unless we choose it as a future target.   We would like to clarify that we love the bee and that is the purpose of creating this coin. We do not intend to deceive anyone by abusing their trust or even their money. In the future we will do some action that concerns the bee and its people.   Bee Coin has no other function behind it, and that is our main reason why we promote it and highly recommend it as a good investment, as a simple Token. You will also be able to easily trade, receive or give back the Bee Coin after all that is its purpose.

BeeCoin Roadmap

  • Approval and updating of badge details and creation license by bscscan. Signal update and other basic data.✅
  • Updates and corrections white paper and final project submission. And adding all social, Facebook, twitter and others.✅
  • Post to pankakeswap. ✅
  • Submitting documents and coinmarketcup badge application form.
  • Прочитайте больше
  • Introduction to coingecko, launch of advertising campaign on well-known websites, and currency banner on bscscan, etherscan. Ads on Instagram and Facebook.
  • Automatic admission to well-known exchanges, currency price: $ 4, creation of Bee Coin wallet. Coin donations to beekeepers, with the indication of photos and that they are beekeepers and want to deal with the bees, they will receive 100 bee coin coins, and the addresses will be notified wallet on the site.

BeeCoin Команда

Проверено 33%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Timos Mantalios
Katia Mantalioy
Sofia Karantani

BeeCoin Интервью

As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Γεια σας το προτζεκτ στοχευει να παντρεψει το περιβαλλον και τις συναλαγες!!Η χαμηλη κυκλοφορια μαρκων 500,000,000BCO και η διανομη 3% για καθε νεα συναλαγη σε καθε επενδυτη πραγματικα στο τελος μονο θα κερδισει δοκιμαστε το!
What do you think about idea?
Πιστευω οτι οποιος προσπαθησει να συναλαχθει με BCO θα βγει κερδισμενος με την μεγαλη δωρεα ανα συναλαγη 3% μαρκων μεταφερεται σε καθε επενδυτη!

BeeCoin Последние Новости

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