BCB Blockchain

BCB Blockchain

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Building Cities Beyond Blockchain (BCB Blockchain) is the first blockchain protocol to serve smart city solutions and its goal is to achieve a more livable, workable, trust-free and sustainable city of the future. BCB will be committed to the development of its ecosystem, providing a one-stop shop for turning smart city concepts into smart city solutions. As the core infrastructure, the BCB token can not only support the operation of its ecosystem, it can also enable BCB holders to use dapps and smart contracts for the payments of products and services. With its low transaction cost, BCB can effectively improve transparency and settlement efficiency of transactions in cities. As more use cases of blockchain are applied for smart cities, there will be more forms of usage of BCB technology and BCB tokens.
  • рынок
    Том 24Н
    24ч (цена)
    24 ч (объем)
  • CoinAll
    BCB/USDT 3 год назад
    $ 0.3352
    $ 31.662 K
    BCB/USDT 3 год назад
    $ 0.5041
    $ 296.49 K
  • DigiFinex
    BCB/USDT 3 год назад
    $ 0.3323
    $ 39.218 K
  • BTSE
    BCB/USD 3 год назад
    $ 0.5650
    $ 8.412 K
  • 6x
    BCB/USDT 3 год назад
    $ 1.46
    $ 1.75
  • 6x
    BCB/BTC 3 год назад
    $ 1.41
    $ 50.63
  • 6x
    BCB/ETH 3 год назад
    $ 1.23
    $ 28.34
  • 6x
    BCB/DC 3 год назад
    $ 1.65
    $ 32.35
  • Dobitrade
    BCB/USDT 4 год назад
    $ 1.82
    $ 77.675 K
  • 6x
    BCB/USDX 4 год назад
    $ 6.06
    $ 14.406 M
  • 6x
    BCB/USDX 4 год назад
    $ 6.19
    $ 20.58 M
    BCB/ETH 5 год назад
    $ 3.04
    BCB/BTC 5 год назад
    $ 1,030.35

BCB Blockchain Roadmap

  • Q1-Q2 2018

  • Headquartered in Singapore
    Initial Launch
  • Q3-Q4 2018

  • Philippines Office
    BCB Wallet
    BCB Scan
    Partnership with Yatai City
  • Q1-Q2 2019

  • Launch of BCB Innovation Power Fund
    BCB Academy & Incubator in Philippines
    Launch of Smart City Initiatives
    Thailand Office
    Cambodia Office
    China Office
    BCB for Businesses
  • Q3-Q4 2019

  • Myanmar Office
    BCB Partnership with DOST Philippines
    BCB Developer Learning Center
    Dapps Marketplace
    Side Chain
    Solidity and ERC20 porting capability
  • Прочитайте больше
  • 2020

  • Ecosystem of BCB Dapps and Developers across South East Asia
    Smart City Implementations
    Securities Tokenisation
    Many more in the works....

BCB Blockchain Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды


$2 700 000

Douglas Gan
Vanessa Koh

BCB Blockchain Последние Новости

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