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Проект AgriTech & food science, основанный на разрушительной децентрализованной платформе.
  • рынок
    Том 24Н
    24ч (цена)
    24 ч (объем)
  • Mercatox
    ATFS/BTC 2 год назад
    $ 0.0008
  • Mercatox
    ATFS/ETH 2 год назад
    $ 0.0001
    ATFS/BTC 5 год назад
    $ 0.0001
  • Token.Store
    ATFS/ETH 5 год назад
    $ 0.0020
    $ 0.9809
  • BTC-Alpha
    ATFS/BTC 5 год назад
    $ 0.0002
  • BTC-Alpha
    ATFS/USD 5 год назад
    $ 0.0002
  • BTC-Alpha
    ATFS/ETH 5 год назад
    $ 0.0004
10 янв. 2018 г.
9 февр. 2018 г.
100% завершено
$1 519 106
hard cap
1534% hard cap завершено
Цель 12 500.00 USD
Cap 50 000.00 USD
Hard cap 99 000.00 USD
  • 3000 ATFS
    0.25 ETH
Детали токена
Бегущая строка
Принимаемые валюты
Сведения о компании
Зарегистрированная Страна
Cayman Islands
дополнительные детали
Платформа, криптовалюта, Здоровье, Розничная торговля

О проекте ATFS Lab

Проект ATFS - это первый в мире децентрализованный AgriTech & amp; Проект Food Science crowdfunding построен на Ethereum Blockchain и Smart Contracts.

Мы внедряем Industrial Revolution 4.0 в криптоал с ATLAN Token. Выпуск ATFS Token финансирует создание Smart Farm 2.0, развитие подрывной децентрализованной платформы и производство растительного мяса. Проект является всеобъемлющим решением мирового кризиса продовольственной безопасности, предоставляя соответствующие технологические достижения в сельском хозяйстве, новую базу доходов и системы снабжения и социально приемлемую альтернативу потреблению мяса.

Проект ATFS и члены его команды клянутся, чтобы повысить качество жизни людей во всем мире, совершив революцию в нынешней пищевой системе. Поэтому необходимо и важно обеспечить финансирование в течение нашего времени. Участвуя, вы присоединяетесь к группе единомышленников-пионеров, которые знают о преимуществах, которые принесет следующая сельскохозяйственная революция. Прибыль от всех этапов проекта ATFS будет распределяться на основе смарт-контрактов ATFS Token & rsquo.

Мы полностью уверены, что проект ATFS является беспроигрышной моделью как для сельского хозяйства, так и для crypotoworld.


Launching the Largest Smart Farm 2.0 Project in Asia

Smart Farm 2.0 is an intelligent farm powered by deep learning by combining information, communication, technology (ICT), IoT, Big Data, and more within the agriculture industry. It automatically and tactically controls proper temperature, humidity, sunlight, carbon dioxide, water and so on of a crop cultivation facility by utilizing IoT technology, sensors and analytic software with networked environment. In other words, Smart Farm 2.0 enables proactive prediction, real-time response and situation-specific simulation 24/7/365.

Following the plant breeding and genetics revolution in the agricultural industry, Smart Farm 2.0 leads the “Third Green Revolution” in agriculture by providing optimal growth environment and directing its controls based on relevant big data analysis. It creates high added value by improving productivity, efficiency, and quality throughout the entire production life-cycle, distribution and consumption process of an agricultural product.

ATFS Project’s first goal is to build the largest Smart Farms in Asia, where smart farms are still in its early entry stage.


Disruptive Decentralized Platform (DDP)

The purpose of Disruptive Decentralized Platform is to completely destroy the food distribution problems that have been occurring in all stages of current distribution channels, and to recreate the distribution structure of new models. It will become the best profit model for both producers (farmers) and consumers by drastically eliminating the complicated, high-cost and multi-level distribution structure with entry barriers and inefficiency of information by directly connecting the two players.

The Disruptive Decentralized Platform is an easy-to-use platform with convenient access running on the apps and web anytime, anywhere. The payment gateway of this platform is conducted on the blockchain by Bitcoin, Ethereum, and all ERC20 based altcoins as well as fiat currencies. We know that more commercial platforms will gradually accept cryptocurrencies in the future, just like how a couple of pizzas cost 10,000 bitcoins at first. 


Plant-Based Meat (First, Asia Pacific and then the rest of world)

Plant-Based meat is going to be the future’s top protein alternative and the solution to the world’s pending meat shortage issue. AFTS Project aims to first launch types of oriental meats befitting to the Asian region and culture, and plans to expand our Plant-Based Meat assortments to the rest of the world.

The project’s blueprint for Plant-Based Meat (vegetable protein) utilizes biotechnology and synthetic biology combined with agricultural cultivation capability and technology accumulated from Smart Farm 2.0 operations. For optimal results, we will establish a specialized and dedicated Research & Development Center in collaboration with leading universities and research institutes at home and abroad.

Техническая информация

n ATFS DDP (Pick&Go) Conceptual System Architecture

The conceptual system architecture of ATFS Pick & Go (which is called Disruptive Decentralized Platform) is composed of three layers: Transaction Layer, Data Layer, Middle Layer.

Transaction Layer describes a set of fundamental rules that govern decentralized transaction on Pick&Go between two or more trading related partners. . Each transaction refers to a product category sold on the DDP’s marketplace. 

Data Layer consists of ATFS P2P Network and Ethereum blockchain. Peer-to-peer connection will be scalable in design, supporting people to find goods that they need and offer to others locally to all around the world. The blockchain ensures transparency, data evidence.

Middle layer is responsible for connecting to the web and app’s front-end by executing ATFS Trading Protocol with other users on the network. It can also be optimized for ATFS Pick&Go by utilizing commercial and/or open source APIs.

And the web/app enables users to fulfill any desired role on the network (merchant, buyer, and verifier). The UI/UX flow will vary on the type of trading to be conducted.

So far, this is an overview of Pick&Go’s conceptual architecture. In the future, we may disclose more detailed technical plans when necessary.

n Required Technologies for ATFS Project

Required technologies are allocated to four categories depending on project characteristics:
overall element technology; Smart Farm 2.0 technology; Disruptive Decentralized Platform technology; and Plant-Based Meat technology.

Transaction Layer protocol is made of 3 major sub-components

  • Smart Contracts
    • Formalizes trading terms
  • Payment and Escrow
    • Payment with altcoins, fiat currencies
    • Escrow selection
  • Altcoin Converter
    • Exchange between Representative Coins and other altcoins


ATFS Lab Roadmap

  • 2015-2016

  • Здание команды и консультативного совета
    Идеальная идея и развитие бизнес-модели
  • 2017 Q1

  • Создание юридического органа
    Бизнес-стратегия и планирование
    Депрессивная децентрализованная разработка прототипов платформ
  • 2017 Q2-Q3

  • Разработка схемы интеллектуального договора
    Подготовка документации
    Официальная разработка сайта
  • 2017 Q4

  • Публичное объявление газеты
    Маркетинг и PR Запуск
    События Token Crowdfunding
    Начало ICO
  • Прочитайте больше
  • 2018, Q1-Q2

  • Планирование регистрации и листинга Exchange
    Smart Farm 2.0 Building
    Бета-версия разрушительной децентрализованной платформы
    API-интерфейс платформы для фермеров / продавцов
  • 2018 Q3-Q4

  • Создание научно-исследовательского центра по производству растительного мяса
    Подрывная децентрализованная платформа OPEN
  • 2019-2020

  • Smart Farm 2.0 Расширение для Китая, Японии и т. Д.
    Растение на основе растительного продукта
    Расширение платформы подрывной децентрализации в APAC
  • 2021-2022

  • GO Global

ATFS Lab Команда

Проверено 63%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

David Kim
CEO & Founder


$43 879 106

Jay Choi
COO & Co-Founder
Austin H. Chung
CFO & Co-Founder
Allen Sung
CTO & Co-Founder
Rachel Chung
Marketing Lead


$38 150 706

James Park
Master Gardner
Han Rew
Graphic Designer, Web Developer
Anthony Kim
Software Developer


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Seong Wook Kim
Strategy & Financial Advisor
Kyle R. Keum
Legal Advisor, Lawyer
Jin Chul Park
Financial Advisor, CPA
Chang Hoon Lee
Marketing Advisor

ATFS Lab Последние Новости

$ 0.0004
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
$ 0.0238
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 5.1826855474378E-7
ICO Price~$686.63

ATFS Lab Обзоры

At the beginning of the project description, the authors provide data on the forecast of population growth by 2050 by 34% and on the growing urbanization of the population from 49% today to 70% in the future. According to the authors of the project this will lead to the need of the volume of food production increase by 70%. In conditions of labor outflow from the sphere of agriculture, it will be necessary to intensify the food production where the biotechnological developments will be in demand, in particular, substitutes of animal protein.

The ideas of this project are more than promising. But the question immediately arises, why there are no proper specialists in the field of agriculture and biotechnology in the project’s team. It is possible that the managerial skills of project managers will allow them to attract the necessary specialists to implement the project after receiving of the necessary funds for the ICO.

It would be logical to see in the description of the project the mention of any patents in this area, on the basis of which it would be possible to start a phased implementation of the ideas, in particular, the construction of smart farms.

Investments in this project can be considered only if the funds for the project implementation will come in stages, in line with the clear implementation of all plan articles. There is no clear plan in the project description if the roadmap is not considered as the plan.

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All new and novel concepts need perfect implementation and if nothing is done to take care of the needs of those you are targeting, all your plans come down to nothing. The same is applicable to ATFS project, which is though a new concept, if it does not offer what it promises the dooms days will come soon. So, be wise before deciding to invest.

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