ASG Coin

ASG Coin

Created using Figma
Проект ASG направлен на то, чтобы стать платежной системой для родителей-питомников, чтобы оплачивать ежемесячную плату и работу, выполняемую педагогами. Поступления от капитализации будут использованы для открытия новых питомников и учреждений, чтобы даже менее обеспеченные социальные классы могли позволить своим детям получать помощь из питомников монетной цепи ASG.
  • рынок
    Том 24Н
    24ч (цена)
    24 ч (объем)
  • BiteBTC
    ASGC/BTC 5 год назад
    $ 0.0001
  • Raisex
    ASGC/BTC 5 год назад
    $ 0.0077
  • CryTrEx
    ASGC/BTC 5 год назад
    $ 3.6559223562507E-5
  • CryTrEx
    ASGC/TRX 5 год назад
    $ 2.5591456494E-8
To be announced
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О проекте ASG Coin

The social project ASG coin, is undoubtedly the most noble project among the cryptocurrencies. focuses on the correct growth of the new generations, with the aim of making it easier to rise to the society that will welcome them. 300 Mln of Tokens, which will be placed on the market with the aim of increasing its value, and achieving the target set. We have set the launch price which is € 0.03. The currency will be used within the nursery circuit, in all cultural and recreational activities within the circuit.The owners will be entitled to discounts and facilitations and will also have the opportunity to make investments in the cryptocurrency market.The intent is to create a network of investors / parents, who in addition to having facilities within the nursery circuit, could see their investments increase. The first area concerned is Italy, but this does not mean that the forecasts are to export the project to all countries. Users are anonymous and anti-hacking security management is managed by Linux based servers at the company’s headquarters.

ASG coin comes from the project that  our non-profit association has been carrying out since 2017 the aim of creating social facilities aimed at early childhood (kindergartens). The goal of ASG Coin is to capitalize through the sale of the token of the amounts that will then be donated in the construction of childcare facilities in the first place in Italy and then in Europe in order to facilitate public spending in an attempt to lighten the outputs of the municipalities for the construction of new schools.
It is now a known fact that the economic crisis has generated enormous management problems for Italian municipalities, and not only, in the opening and management of public nurseries, in fact causing a scarcity of available places and creating an enormous social hardship for all those families who would like to enroll their children in school and who can not do it having to fall back on expensive private nests.
The goal of ASG is to create low-cost private structures in order to guarantee even families in reduced economic conditions that their children can benefit from a primary education essential to guarantee the child communication and play with their peers.
The discomfort and the lack of these structures is a theme very felt in this period but the response from the public administration is slow and most of the time totally absent, so we were born as a project in order to make up for this situation now become unsustainable.

ASG  with so much effort and resources, however, was able to respond in April 2017 with the opening of a nursery which was welcomed with great emphasis on the part of the inhabitants because the area was precisely devoid of underserved public services aimed at early childhood. Guided to date with the diligence of the good father of the family by the president Simona Capobianco, riding the wave of positivism, the structure was able to operate and finalize the collection of fees that have allowed it to continue its activities becoming in fact the first asylum realized by ASG totally autonomous and able to bear ordinary and extraordinary operating expenses.

ASG Coin Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Simona Capobianco
Alessandro Leone
Department Director
Luigi Ramelli
Technology Manager
Manuel Leone
Marketing Manager

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