Ancient Lands Metaverse

Ancient Lands Metaverse

Created using Figma
Ancient Humans NFT is a collection of 811 unique NFT on Cardano Blockchain.
To be announced
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О проекте Ancient Lands Metaverse

Ancient Humans NFT is one of the most extraordinary adventures of all time: human evolution at its core. Explore The Amazonas Jungle 10 million years ago, find treasures and sell them for real money in the NFT Space.

Ancient Humans NFT is the base of a third-person, open-world survival game where you survive – to explore, trade, hunt, and play games to earn money. The game is set deep in the metaverse, and in it, you will be able to go on endless adventures with your friends to survive and progress in the world, building it from the ground up, as it is there to stay for millions of years to come. You will be able to manage a household, a village, a city, and your own castle. You will always be a primitive ancient human, and you can always be the best at it! 

You will have to nurture yourself by eating, drinking, and keeping fit and healthy.
You will land at the Amazon Rainforest with many other Ancient Humans, and you will fight to survive. At first, you will hide in caves, looking for the recipe for fire. But slowly, you will gather supplies, materials, and knowledge to build huts, tools, and a community. As the verse expands, you will grow into advanced cities and luxurious castles.

The threats will keep coming and growing, as you will have to fight them down and grow bigger into giant monsters you will have to take down with your community.

The predators will become more intelligent and capable as your community grows. This game will be ever-evolving, and ever-fun.

The Ancient Humans NFT community will vote together to state the risks involved in the world and the options to grow by. At the end of the day, the community is this whole project.

Our mission is to create a world filled with a fantastic community that everyone would want to participate in.

Fun, adventure and community rewarding events lead us in this metaverse’s direction.

Rise up, grab your spear, fight to survive, and grow together into a vibrating community.

You will be able to build your camp with your style.

Craft your Weapons or tools that will help you to survive in the dangerous deep jungle.

Grow your food to survive or to sell it to another ancient human to help them survive the cold nights.

Ancient Lands Metaverse Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Chip Mayer
Co-founder & CEO
Jane Brown
Erika Black
Marketing Director
George Mayer
Creative Director

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