Aceh Coin

Aceh Coin

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Aceh coin is providing you with the opportunity that your amount will be double on the 1st year and you will constantly gain your profit. Aceh Coin is a coin created specifically to enter the global market, aceh coin is created using a decentralized smart contarct ethereum, aceh coin can be used in all sectors to replace cash. Be it privately or in groups, Aceh coins are built to improve the public economy technologically, competition with the number of stable coins makes Aceh coins one of the coins that are helped to compete with many other stable coins, especially USDT, USDC and others.
20 дек. 2019 г.
10 янв. 2020 г.
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О проекте Aceh Coin

Ethereum is a decentralized blockchain platform for "building unstoppable applications", while Ether is the cryptocurrency used on this platform. Ethereum can be used for virtually any kind of transaction or agreement (to put it another way, any kind of activity that has an economic or governance aspect), at a lower cost than conventional alternatives, such as debit card payments, PayPal, and ballot voting, in a way that is decentralized, trustless (no intermediary like a bank is needed, Bob can send X ETH directly to Alice), secure, safe and live (with some assumptions like an honest majority of securitors), and censorship-resistant.

Ethereum has been described in several ways. The simplest way to understand Ethereum is to know what it does. Just like how it is not necessary to fully understand the intricate workings of how a car works in order to appreciate its utility, or to understand how electricity arrives in your light bulb when you turn it on, understanding the current and potential utility of Ethereum is a good start. Ethereum can be used for virtually any kind of transaction or agreement (to put it another way, any kind of activity that has an economic or governance aspect), at a lower cost than conventional alternatives, such as debit card payments, in a way that is trustless, secure, safe and censorship-resistant, all with high probability.

Aceh Coin is a coin created specifically to enter the global market, aceh coin is created using a decentralized smart contarct ethereum, aceh coin can be used in all sectors to replace cash. Be it privately or in groups, Aceh coins are built to improve the public economy technologically, competition with the number of stable coins makes Aceh coins one of the coins that are helped to compete with many other stable coins, especially USDT, USDC and others.

All currencies have variable values, but cryptocurrency is very well known for its unstable prices. The purpose of Aceh Coin is to create stable (ACH) coins that are bound (or tethered) to the value of the US dollar. By linking to fiat currencies, ACH will be a port in a storm of constantly fluctuating cryptocurrency values.

Aceh Coin Roadmap

  • 2019

  • Project Launch, Airdrop Launch, Private sale and Selfdrop Launch.
  • Q1 2019

  • Airdrop End, Selfdrop End, Private sales end, Conducting IEO and Exchange Listing.
  • Q2 2019

  • Acehcoin publication on world with media partner, Partner open with industris and Prototype Launch.
  • Q3 2019

  • update soon.

Aceh Coin Команда

Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Nanda Yusra
Aimal Abbas
Marketer at AcehCoin.Ltd


Проверено 0%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Ahsan Abbas

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