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Блок-сеть управляла сетью тысяч 3D-принтеров, создавая революционную новую концепцию

цифровое производство «точно в срок».

Активы 3D-токена:
poli3D.com - децентрализованная цифровая фабрика. 3D-crowd.com - платформа Crowdfunding на основе блокчлин

для 3D-мира. 3Dwix.com основан на блочной базе. Первый глобальный цифровой звук

Производственная сеть.

После успешного тестирования с 50 членами сети и 100 3D-принтерами мы готовы

масштабировать сеть и интегрировать ее в нашу блок-цепь, чтобы увеличить ее до 5000 3D-принтеров и

2 000 членов сети и достигнуть 24 миллионов часов «Робот рабочей силы» в год. С этим «Роботом»

Workforce ", мы сможем родить тысячи инновационных проектов в области glocal

своевременное решение для B2B, B2C и C2C, нарушая традиционные отраслевые стандарты на

время выхода на рынок и стоимость продуктов.
18 дек. 2017 г.
11 февр. 2018 г.
100% завершено
Привлеченные средства - нет данных
Детали токена
Бегущая строка
Сведения о компании
Зарегистрированная Страна
дополнительные детали
Платформа, производство

О проекте 3D-Token

Что такое 3D-токен (3DT)?

3D-токен представляет  Сетевые роботы  Штат  нашей будущей Глокальной блок-сети, децентрализованной сети 3D-принтеров. 3DT будет продаваться на нашем Marketplace, на наших платформах Crowdfunding и на соответствующих биржах.

3D-Token Roadmap

  • 2009/2014 – Establishment Of Politronica Srl

  • Politronica was launched as a spin-off Company of the Technical University of Turin, Italy. Politronica took part in many National and UE Research Projects, with a budget of 2.5 Million Euros. It enforces eight researchers and filed 3 patents, it was awarded 4 international prizes for R&D and published more than 20 papers on scientific press. In 2013 Politronica signed a co-operation agreement with the Italian Institute of Technology, the Italian State research Foundation.
  • 2009/2014 – Establishment Of Politronica Srl

  • Politronica was launched as a spin-off Company of the Technical University of Turin, Italy. Politronica took part in many National and UE Research Projects, with a budget of 2.5 Million Euros. It enforces eight researchers and filed 3 patents, it was awarded 4 international prizes for R&D and published more than 20 papers on scientific press. In 2013 Politronica signed a co-operation agreement with the Italian Institute of Technology, the Italian State research Foundation.
  • 2015 – Politronica Creates Qubit3D

  • Engineering and prototype making of a proprietary 3D-Printer/Robot technology; manufacturing of 25 machines series zero. Experimental start-up of a Training Program for the first 15 Network Members in North Italy. Experimental start-up of the first Network 3D Digital Manufacturing (10,000 items in 2040 variants).
  • 2015 – Politronica Creates Qubit3D

  • Engineering and prototype making of a proprietary 3D-Printer/Robot technology; manufacturing of 25 machines series zero. Experimental start-up of a Training Program for the first 15 Network Members in North Italy. Experimental start-up of the first Network 3D Digital Manufacturing (10,000 items in 2040 variants).
  • Прочитайте больше
  • 2016 – Further Network Research & Development

  • Successfully conducted tests with 50 Network Members and over 100 3D-printers installed. Launch of Research Program about Augmented Reality (AR) software and applications for the 3D printing compartment.
  • 2016 – Further Network Research & Development

  • Successfully conducted tests with 50 Network Members and over 100 3D-printers installed. Launch of Research Program about Augmented Reality (AR) software and applications for the 3D printing compartment.
  • Q3 2017 – First Series Production

  • First Medium-scale manufacturing through to the decentralized “Network Robots’ Workforce”. Manufacturing and sales Agreement with the world known design shop-chain Flying-Tiger Copenhagen (600 shops globally) for the distribution of a revolutionary desktop 3D printing Learning Device and Lamp named q3d, for kids and adults.
  • Q3 2017 – First Series Production

  • First Medium-scale manufacturing through to the decentralized “Network Robots’ Workforce”. Manufacturing and sales Agreement with the world known design shop-chain Flying-Tiger Copenhagen (600 shops globally) for the distribution of a revolutionary desktop 3D printing Learning Device and Lamp named q3d, for kids and adults.
  • Q4 2017 – ICO Launch & Group Structuring

  • Acquisition of Politronica’s 75% shares by Etroninvest Ltd. Launch of the ICO supporting our Project about the creation of a revolutionary blockchain based Factory 4.0 glocalizing our managed Network of 3D-Printers, integrating a Marketplace and a Crowdfunding platform for the just-in-time 3D Small to Medium scale Manufacturing Market.
  • Q4 2017 – ICO Launch & Group Structuring

  • Acquisition of Politronica’s 75% shares by Etroninvest Ltd. Launch of the ICO supporting our Project about the creation of a revolutionary blockchain based Factory 4.0 glocalizing our managed Network of 3D-Printers, integrating a Marketplace and a Crowdfunding platform for the just-in-time 3D Small to Medium scale Manufacturing Market.
  • Q2/Q3 2018 – 4pointzero.Net / 3Dwix.Com / 3D-Crowd.Com

  • Launch of blockchain based Online Platforms composing our Project.
  • Q2/Q3 2018 – 4pointzero.Net / 3Dwix.Com / 3D-Crowd.Com

  • Launch of blockchain based Online Platforms composing our Project.
  • Q4 2018 – Implementing The “Network Robots’ Workforce”

  • Up and running 75% of our decentralized 3D-Printers Network.
  • Q4 2018 – Implementing The “Network Robots’ Workforce”

  • Up and running 75% of our decentralized 3D-Printers Network.
  • From Q1 2019 – Further Developments

  • Full integration of Augmented Reality (AR) software with our 3D printing technology. Ongoing development and management of THE GLOCAL DECENTRALIZED JUST-IN-TIME FACTORY 4.0 .
  • From Q1 2019 – Further Developments

  • Full integration of Augmented Reality (AR) software with our 3D printing technology. Ongoing development and management of THE GLOCAL DECENTRALIZED JUST-IN-TIME FACTORY 4.0 .
  • Q3/Q4 2019 – Initial Public Offering Of Shares

  • IPO on a regulated Stock Market.Contributors still holding 3D-Token will be granted Company’s stock market listed shares. Conversion rate t.b.c.(subject to a successful IPO)
  • Q3/Q4 2019 – Initial Public Offering Of Shares

  • IPO on a regulated Stock Market.Contributors still holding 3D-Token will be granted Company’s stock market listed shares. Conversion rate t.b.c.(subject to a successful IPO)

3D-Token Команда

Проверено 50%

Внимание. Существует риск того, что непроверенные члены на самом деле не являются членами команды

Paolo Pandolfi
Founder & CEO
Alessandro Chiolerio
Founder & CEO
Vincenzo Guarnieri
Hon. Chairman
Emanuele Fogazzotto
Co-Founder OnePartner

3D-Token Интервью

Paolo Pandolfi
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Our idea is to realize the first revolutionary blockchain based Factory 4.0 "glocalizing" our managed Network of 3D-Printers, integrating a Marketplace and a Crowdfunding platform for the just-in-time 3D Small to Medium scale Manufacturing Projects.

My role is basically to manage the production of the factory
Emanuele Fogazzotto
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Marketing and development

3D-Token Последние Новости

  • Поскольку могут существовать временные различия в обновлениях информации, точная информация о каждом проекте ICO должна проверяться через его официальный веб-сайт или другие каналы связи.
  • Эта информация не является предложением или советом по инвестированию в финансирование ICO. Пожалуйста, тщательно изучите соответствующую информацию самостоятельно и примите решение об участии в ICO.
  • Если вы считаете, что существуют проблемы или проблемы, которые необходимо исправить в этом контенте, или если вы хотите представить свой собственный проект ICO для включения в список, напишите нам.
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