

Created using Figma
Top DeFi App on IoTeX Network.
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Sobre ZoomSwap

🚀 ZoomSwap is a cross-chain infrastructure project that builds liquidity for layer-one blockchains AMMs and partnering projects. Launching on loTeX, ZoomSwap establishes diverse ecosystem including Zoom Exchange, Zoom Lottery, Rocket Pool, Farm and NFT marketplace.

Zoom Lottery is easy to play and full of fun with 2 rounds a day, providing players with an exciting opportunity to win $ZM. Meanwhile, Farm and Rocket Pool with high APR provide great chances for you to earn more $ZM and other project tokens.

ZoomSwap benefits from fast and cheap transaction capabilities on IoTeX.

We believe that we are still in the early stage of crypto. We are still exploring new planets in space.

Go, Zoom, Explore!

% name% Roadmap

  • Buy Back and Burn

  • The deposit fees for Farm, Rock Pool, and Zoom Pool of ZoomSwap V2 are all 0, so there is no buy back and burn at this phase.
    After the launch of Zoom Lottery, we will announce the new Burn Plan, please stay tuned.
  • Governance DAO

  • ZoomSwap will start the governance voting on snapshot in Nov 2021. All parameter adjustments or treasury usage will be all through governance proposals.
  • Halving

  • The first having of $ZM production is at the corner. It will commerce at Oct-31-2021 05:30:00 AM +UTC.
  • NFT

  • We are working on an NFT project based on $ZM token. Details come later.

ZoomSwap Últimas notícias

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