Yield Protocol

Yield Protocol

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Enjoy fixed rates on Ethereum
Yield Protocol is a permissionless market for collateralized fixed-rate borrowing and lending
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Sobre Yield Protocol

Yield Protocol brings fixed-rate borrowing and lending for fixed terms to decentralized finance.

Today, most of the popular decentralized finance protocols are floating-rate. While floating-rate lending and borrowing is a powerful tool, it comes with significant drawbacks. These protocols may experience interest rate volatility that can make it difficult for you to plan for the future, make investment decisions, and properly hedge risk when borrowing and lending. Yield Protocol solves these challenge by introducing fixed-rate, fixed-term borrowing and lending.

In this documentation, you can learn more about how the Yield Protocol works, how to get started, and how to learn more.

Yield Protocol is an Ethereum-based protocol for collateralized fixed-rate, fixed-term borrowing and lending.

To achieve its goals, Yield uses a class of tokens called fyTokens (fixed yield tokens). fyTokens are Ethereum based ERC-20 tokens that can be redeemed for an underlying asset one-to-one after a predetermined maturity date. For example, if you have one fyDai token, you can redeem it for one Dai after the maturity date.

fyTokens do not pay interest but instead trade at a discount to their redemption value (like a zero-coupon bond), rendering a profit at maturity when it is redeemed for its full face value. The interest rate may be calculated from the difference between the discounted value and the underlying asset’s value at maturity.

Yield Protocol Equipe

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Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Allan Niemerg
Chief Executive Officer
não verificado
Alberto Cuesta Cañad...
Lead Engineer
não verificado
Bruce Donovan
Lead Front-end Engineer
não verificado
Andy Zhu
Growth Lead
não verificado

Yield Protocol Últimas notícias

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