United Doge Finance

United Doge Finance

Created using Figma
United Doge Finance is a decentralized cryptocurrency token built on both the Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain network. It was created with the community and investor in mind.
  • Mercado
    Volume 24H
    24 horas (preço)
    24 horas (volume)
  • Sushiswap
    UDOG/0XC02AAA39B223FE8D0A0E5C4F27EAD9083C756CC2 one year ago
    $ 9.9547E-11
To be announced
Detalhes do token
Oferta total
Distribuição de Token
Burned: 50%
50,000,000,000,000,000 (50 Quadrillion)
Marketing/Charity Wallet: 1%
1,000,000,000,000,000 (1 Quadrillion)
Private Presale: 10%
10,000,000,000,000,000 (10 Quadrillion)
Available on Uniswap: 39%
39,000,000,000,000,000 (39 Quadrillion)
detalhes adicionais

Sobre United Doge Finance

Launched in August 2021, United Doge Finance is a decentralized cryptocurrency token built on both the Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain network. It was created with the community and investor in mind.

Our goal is to provide generational wealth to all of our loyal holders with a hyper-deflationary functionality and automatic staking to reward UDOG holders, all the while, providing multiple real world use cases to make UDOG a leader in the transition from fiat to crypto. We redistribute 3% of every buy and sell transaction fee to UDOG holders, 3% of every buy and sell transaction fee is stored away to help support UDOG’s project and donations to charities of our communities choice, and lastly, 2% of every buy and sell transaction fee is automatically and instantly burned forever.

We have created an NFT line for United Doge Finance, called United Doge NFT. The NFT line will be a multi-collection card series, that features UDOG traveling the world. The NFT line will help support additional NFT collections, an NFT marketplace, NFT marketing, a fund to help build the debit/credit card project, the purchase of UDOG token, partnerships/collaborations and charity.

Our mission is to partner with several payment processing leaders to allow the token to be used for everyday purchases, both online and offline. Next, we plan to individually partner with companies in the travel and credit industries to take UDOG abroad. And lastly, we plan to allow individuals to build personal credit, by having a credit card, with built-in rewards, powered by UDOG.

United Doge Finance Equipe

Verificado 0%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Brandon Collins
não verificado
Samuel Moya
não verificado
Keith Biggar Jr
não verificado
Connor Mcgovern
Community Dev
não verificado
Barbara Sammon
Community Dev
não verificado
Musaed Al-Mutairi
Community Dev
não verificado

United Doge Finance Últimas notícias

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