SteelBird Finance

SteelBird Finance

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Safer & Easier DeFi. Earn with confidence !
All-in-one multi-chain farming aggregator, growth engine & AMM designed to improve user safety, usability, ROI and fees. Driven by AI & predictive Machine Learning models.
To be announced
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Sobre SteelBird Finance

Steelbird’s Singularity Chain is a parachain built on the Polkadot Substrate and provides chain interoperability for improved farming, cross-chain functionality and consensus provability. By using multi-bridges (Polygon Bridge / Binance Bridge), combined with SteelBird’s AMM, it can achieve seamless token swaps from a chain to another with minimal fees.

Non-custodial growth engine for crypto assets backed by SteelBird's Risk Engine which aims for higher APY and lower risks. Windpools are connected to various DeFi projects for improved yield and rewards are used to buy-back the SteelBird Token from the open market and sent in the same amount to windpools users in SBT.

The main goal is to make DeFi a safer space for new entry and power users by adding an extra protection layer to protect users from rug-pulls or smart contract exploits. Secondly, to make farming easier and improve the whole experience, transparency and fees. SteelBird plans to be a major player on onboarding the next billion DeFi users.

SteelBird is designed as an aggregator by default but it has his own DeFi protocol which basically include the built-in AMM and WindPools where users can stake and earn SBT.


% name% Roadmap

  • Q3

  • Windpools

    Built-in AMM DEX

    Boost Staking

    Risk Scores
  • Q4

  • Singularity Chain

    Multi-chain Wallet

    Aggregate protocols & chains

    On-chain Alerts

    Desktop & Mobile-App
  • Q1

  • Genius (CopyGenius & Formulas)

    Lite/Pro Interface

    Fiat Integration

    Liquidity Insurance

    DeFi Academy

    NFTs Section

SteelBird Finance Últimas notícias

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