Stabilize Protocol

Stabilize Protocol

Created using Figma
Official Twitter account for the Stabilize Protocol, a decentralized system to promote the stability of major cryptocurrency stablecoins.
  • Mercado
    Volume 24H
    24 horas (preço)
    24 horas (volume)
  • Sushiswap (Arbitrum One)
    STBZ/0X82AF49447D8A07E3BD95BD0D56F35241523FBAB1 one year ago
    $ 0.2455
    $ 12.94
  • Bilaxy
    STBZ/ETH 2 one year ago
    $ 2.11
    $ 162.591 K
  • Uniswap (v3)
    STBZ/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 7.75
    $ 2.697 M
To be announced
Detalhes do token
detalhes adicionais

Sobre Stabilize Protocol

Stabilize arbitrages within stablecoin and proxy token pools. Despite their name, stablecoins fluctuate in price due to supply and demand. When these fluctuations occur within a pool, the higher priced stablecoin is sold for the lower priced stablecoin. Profit is then realized when the lower priced stablecoin returns to its peg.

 The first number of the APY is based off of distribution of minted STBZ tokens.

The second number of the APY is based off of profits from previous arbitrage trades. Arbitrage profit APY is also listed on the wrapper itself. This APY is the "since inception" return annualized. You can see the exact return since inception by looking at the price/token metric in the wrapper - every token starts at 1 and increases from there

Stabilize has been audited by Bramah Systems and DeFi Yield.

Stabilize utilizes Chainlink and Aave for price data, reducing the threat of flash crashes and manipulation from developers.

Flash loan exploits are mitigated through two ways: contracts cannot deposit and withdraw in the same transaction and smart contracts are not allowed to call the trading strategy.Tokens are also whitelisted to avoid arbitrary code execution.

Stabilize Protocol Últimas notícias

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