Sports Metaverse

Sports Metaverse

Created using Figma
The digital world devoted entirely to sports
For the first time in history the biggest sports stars, brands and clubs are together in one place.
To be announced
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Sobre Sports Metaverse

Sports Metaverse is a decentralized digital sporting on the Metaverse powered by SportsIcon token. Sports Metaverse aims to create opportunities and interactions for sports fans. On Sports Metaverse, sports lovers will be able to interact, learn and share from their own spaces. Moreover, on the Sports Metaverse platform, players will be able to freely play games, virtually hang out with friends, display NFTs, and get a customizable fan cave for each plot of owned land to display all NFTs. ICONS is the native cryptocurrency of Sports Metaverse and will serve as the platform's utility token. Holders of ICONS tokens will be able to use ICONS for many purposes, such as for commerce, trading, and rewards in sporting and in the Metaverse.

Sports Metaverse Equipe

Verificado 0%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Chris Worsey
Co-Founder and CEO
não verificado
Alexi Yovanoff
Co-Founder and COO
não verificado
Riku Sarkinen
Lead Developer
não verificado
Bill Rehbock
Industry veteran
não verificado

Sports Metaverse Últimas notícias

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