SpongeBob Square

SpongeBob Square

Created using Figma
MIGRATION : SpongeBob Square TO Birds Token
To be announced
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Sobre SpongeBob Square

Quant launched in January 2022 with the goal of connecting blockchains and networks on a global scale,  this token was launched a few days ago, $Spong is a meme token.this is a project that aims as a meme token and also as a currency for payments in the marketplace

To learn more about this project, check out our deep dive of $SPONGS.

The project is built Binance Smart Chain.

The main aim of SPONGS to create tokens that can be accepted by the general public as a means of payment and meme tokens

SPONGS will liberate all mankind from the effects of inflation. By combining the power of memes with real, SPONGS gives power and opportunity to the people instead of venture capitalists and hedge funds. SPONGS aims to be the most known and most used cryptocurrency in the world.

$Spong is a meme token, but this $Spongs has its own web marketplace that provides hoodies that can be purchased using the $Spong token

The SPONGS Marketplace has the ability has the advantage of being a marketplace that can use SPONGS tokens.

SpongeBob Square Equipe

Verificado 0%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Arzano Crypto
não verificado
Mamak Crypto
não verificado
Isaac Wright
Owner / Marketing
não verificado

SpongeBob Square Últimas notícias

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