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Shibonics is a $SHIB reflection token. We believe $SHIB will change the whole crypto space. That’s why we created Shibonics, the little brother of $SHIB, to help $SHIB conquer the Cryptomarket. Every buy in Shibonics will lead to a 1% burn and a 4% reward in $SHIB which goes to the Shibonics holders automatically.
To be announced
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Sobre Shibonics

More volume increase

more burn on $SHIB and more rewards to reduce $SHIB supply and to support the price.

Utility of Shibonics

Shibonics was not just created to help $SHIB. Shibonics is a utility token with a 2% buyback and burn, coming with a nft market place, a special video game, a unique platform where you can purchase directly flights tickets and make hotels reservations around the world using Shibonics token and $SHIB , $Bone and $Leash , a DEX (onicswap), and more utility to come

What Makes The Shibonics Platform Different?

These are the key drivers that make us different: Safe, Social, Reliable, Transparent and Fun. Shibonics is dedicated to trust and safety.

Fully Audited & Tested

The Contract is fully audited and independently tested by SolidProof

Weekly MoonShot Actions

Our giveaways and weekly competitions are really second to none

24x7 Support

You can always find friendly 24 x 7 support on our social channels

KYC Verified

Team is fully doxxed and has been KYC Verified

Locked Liquidity

Liquidity is Locked along with all dev tokens

Video AMA

We regularly keep our community updated with scheduled video AMA's

Strong Loyal Community

Our community is strong and loyal. Always there to help others and available to chat!

Shibonics Equipe

Verificado 0%

Atenção. Existe o risco de os membros não verificados não serem realmente membros da equipe

Amir Amoli
não verificado
Dada Leo
não verificado
Sung Jin
não verificado
Vitalis Rick
Chief Marketing Officer
não verificado

Shibonics Últimas notícias

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