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ShibaInuDistrict is a METAVERSE 3D world where you enter & explore as a Shiba Inu.
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All your viewing angle of the world is simulated like how a Shiba Inu see the world. So you are viewing from a low angle & all objects in the 3D world look bigger. There are NPC human characters inside the virtual world too. However, you should NOT have the evil thinking to peek at them from a lower angle. On top of a very fun & unique worldview from a cute dog's perspective, we want to add on a Real-Life Use Case into our ShibaInuDistrict's Metaverse world too. The real-life use case is a 3D eCommerce District inside the Metaverse. It is a virtual 3D district where you can buy real-life items & be delivered to your real-life doorstep. To make it simple for you to understand, just imagine it as the Amazon or Alibaba shopping district in a 3D virtual Metaverse world.

On top of a very fun & unique worldview from a cute dog's perspective, we want to add a Real Life Use Case into our ShibaInuDistrict's Metaverse world too. It's meant to become a true 3D ECOMMERCE corridor where you can buy real-life items, to be delivered to your real life doorstep. To make it simple, just imagine it as the Amazon or Alibaba shopping mall in a 3D world, in a fun way.

Global merchants can set up their e-commerce shop within this Metaverse's very own streets. The public can shop for real-life necessities and all kinds of things you can find in a real-world shopping district.

Yes, the inception of this ShibaInuDistrict is very ambitious. However, all worthy things are difficult to build and it all has to start from somewhere. This is going to be a long-term project and step-by-step developments will be taken. Each unique feature will be rolled out in different stages too so that you can explore this world from a Shiba Inu perspective and even start to shop at the virtual mall as soon once we build the main framework. Along the journey, we will add brand new features into this Metaverse too to make the shopping experience closer to the real world.

SHIBA INU DISTRICT Últimas notícias

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