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Reserve is building a universal store of value. We believe that everyone’s money should be secure. Reserve is a stable, decentralized currency that can’t be abused by a government. Reserve is globally distributed outside of anyone’s control, making it impossible to shut down.
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Crypto Calibur
Reserve is a global currency and a digital payment system that incorporates a pegged stablecoin aimed at individuals and businesses in countries with high inflation and economic inefficiencies.
The Reserve Protocol interacts with three kinds of tokens:
- The Reserve token (RSV)—a stable cryptocurrency pegged to the US Dollar.
- The Reserve Rights token (RSR)—a cryptocurrency that fluctuates in value, and is also used to facilitate the stability of the Reserve token. RSR holders are also able to vote on governance proposals.
- Collateral tokens—these are assets held in smart contracts and back the value of the Reserve token and the protocol is designed to hold collateral tokens worth at least 100% of the value of all Reserve tokens.
The Reserve Protocol will start off in a centralized manner, and each protocol component will be migrated on-chain with the founding team relinquishing control over time. In addition, the Reserve token will have an initial target value of US $1.00, but in the long term will move away from the US dollar peg and have its value linked to a basket of on-chain and off-chain collateral assets. However, the team are also creating an additional currency pegged to the US Dollar (Reserve Dollar/RSD) that will remain this way.
Review Rating
Product | 80%
Use of Blockchain | 100%
Documentation | 70%
Development Roadmap | 65%
Business Model | 75%
Company & Team | 90%
Token Sale | 80%
Final Rating | 80%
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Reserve is a stable, global currency (a stablecoin) and a digital payment system for people and businesses in countries with high inflation. IEO On Huobi Looks promising and will participate
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