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$PumpIT will be listed on PancakeSwap. This asset generates awareness and cultivates mainstream adoption by leveraging the incredible power of memes and aggressive marketing methods. The team is looking to pump up the project and develop new, strong and innovative platforms, skyrocketing the $PumpIT token!

The project is investing MORE THAN $1,000,000 in its activities for early adopters. Make sure to get your tokens early to make the most potential profit!
To be announced
Detalhes do token
Distribuição de Token
6% Founders wallet
Locked - 10% tokens released monthly starting from 3 months after launch date

5% Development wallet
Locked - 10% tokens released monthly starting from 3 months after launch date

5% Marketing wallet

10% Presale wallet

15% Community - Charity - Rewards
Locked - 5% of tokens released monthly from launch date

20% Burn address
Locked - descending burn of 5% of the remaining tokens supply per month starting from 1 month after launch date

39% Exchanges wallet
detalhes adicionais


$PumpIT is a top-notch community-driven NFT and token launchpad dedicated to pumping the most promising startups in the exciting and disruptive crypto space.

% name% Roadmap

  • Q1

  • Presale launch
    Contract audit
    Launch on PancakeSwap
    Start of Launchpad development
  • Q2

  • Completion of Token Launchpad
    KYC integration
    Integration of Tier System
    Third party listings
    Anti-scam features
  • Q3

  • NFT Integration
    Integration with Ethereum
    Integration with Polygon
    Integration with Polkadot
    Launch of NFT development
  • Q4

  • Launch of NFT Collection
    Integration with Avalanche
    Integration with Solana
    Integration with Cardano
    More to be announced...

PUMP IT Últimas notícias

5.0 16
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