The title of the most hyped event this year can receive the festival CRYPTONEED VENTURE FEST 2018, the organizers of which shared plans for November 20-22.

The first Russian blockchain festival plans to gather at least 1 million visitors to CNVF's online broadcast. So far, no mass event of the fintech industry has declared such a high level of media coverage of the event: "The event is being prepared for over 8 months and during this time we have done a serious job of attracting like-minded people and information partners. Among them are publishing houses, branch resources, foreign media. A separate direction in our campaign is dedicated to the blogger segment. Now many bloggers are ready to take up the promotion of this subject not only because of commercial interest, but also for ideological reasons. Among them, for example, Dmitry Larin and Ruslan Sokolovsky. Our plans are to get the highest media numbers for the industry, and we are capable of that", - said Arsenii Shangin, head of PR department of the CRYPTONEED association.

According to some estimates, 2018 brought to the world around 300 events related to the fintech industry, the total number of visitors is close to the 600 thousand mark. However, this does not mean that the asset of the blockchain party is that limited. Over the past two years, the industry has been joined by other interested segments of the audience - financial organizations, top management of large corporations, specialists in the field of management and marketing. For these segments, no events corresponding to the level of new participants were organized before, except for the annual Consensus conference from Coindesk in New York. The event became known as a starting point for positive changes in the market. However, this year there was a reversed picture, due to a conflict between the organizers and Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin, who called on the participants to boycott the event because of "full commercialization and unreasonably high ticket prices" (the average cost of participation in other events was $220, against $3000 at the Consensus). The protest note was also supported by LiteCoin founder Charlie Lee and the OmiseGo project team.

"At the CNVF festival, we are trying to gather the best speakers, discuss the future of the industry and conduct the deepest analytics. The festival will bring together about 3000 people, representatives of medium and large businesses, IT companies, venture funds and everyone who understands the importance of the blockchain and cryptocurrencies, in particular, seeking the openness and transparency of economic and social processes throughout the world. Stars of the Russian and international stage will warm up the audience and create the right atmosphere for open communication and search for partners. Thanks to a free online broadcast, we will enable hundreds of thousands, and maybe millions of people speaking different languages, to immerse themselves in the industry. Perhaps for many of them this will be the first touch and the trigger for the start of the investment. The CRYPTONEED sets ambitious goals for the popularization of cryptocurrencies and blockchain in Russia and the world. Working for more than a year unofficially, we have gathered a serious team of partners, largely composed of software developers, and since September we continue to work in the status of an official association. CNVF is a great way to express yourself”, - says Sergei Baryshnikov, president of CRYPTONEED.

The CNVF business program is represented by 6 main blocks: "Legal Regulation of Crypto-Currency", "Investments in Blockchain Projects", "Forecasts and Insiders of the Fintech Industry", "The Future of Blockchain", "Blockchain and Business", "Marketing of the Crypto Industry". The entertainment part of the CNVF is full of performances by stars of Russia and world size, the unique kinetic show, awards ceremonies for the independent Cryptoneed Award and Miss Blockchain 2018 and many others. In a private conversation, the organizers also announced that a significant number of tokens of the largest cryptocurrencies will be played among the participants of the event. The general concept of the festival looks interesting - some mixture of business events and parties in the style of VK-fest.

"What we do is truly inspiring. We are on the threshold, when the rules of the flow of many international processes can change for the better, towards transparency and justice. And in order for this to happen you need more noise, you need more attention, and then everything will happen by itself: anyone who is familiar with the blockchain cannot but realize its importance. Speakering, conferences, and since January activities within the association – all is an effective way to get the attention you need. We plan to cooperate with non-profit foundations and organizations around the world, and in Russia to conduct joint activities with such associations as RAKIB”, - says the cryptocurrency investor, speaker, Advisor of the recently concluded ICO Cryptorobotics and vice president for international cooperation of the association Ivan Shcherbakov.
