Blockchain Finance Summit 2018


We are welcoming the Blockchain Finance Summit_2018, November 27th-28th in Frankfurt, Germany. It is our greatest pleasure to welcome the big industry players from finance and insurance Industry, as well, the most blockchain involved fintech companies.

Blockchain technology is likely to be a key source of future financial market innovation. Blockchain represents a promising source of future innovation in the financial industry, while the crypto ecosystem represents the largest implementation of blockchain technology to date. An Interest in the technology continues to blow nowadays. Especially the interest in innovative technologies, as well interest in broader financial services communities. The Industry continues to see banks, brokerages, insurers, regulators, and others actively testing ways to absorb the benefits of the blockchain.

The Blockchain Finance Summit 2018 will address the major areas influencing blockchain technology. Some of the topics exposed and discussed at this two-days Summit are, blockchain technology and its market regulation, recent industry innovations, platforms either alliances create with the biggest market players, challenges of the payment system and crypto market. The attendees  will get the chance to meet the greatest industry players sharing their best practice stories and successful case studies. Also, chance chance to actively involved in open discussions regarding platform industry trends, as well, alliances, create within banking either insurance industry segment.

We are expecting the presence of 100+attendees, actively involved in creating of blockchain platforms, Banks, Insurance companies, Alliances, HUB, networking and organizations to join the Blockchain Finance Summit_2018 in Frankfurt.

 Join us at the heart of Europe at one of the financial centar in region and share with us your experience, knowledge and innovations at the Blockchain Finance Summit_2018!

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